![]() Mar 3 2009, 7:01 pm
Too tall to me. You need a light source somewhere on his body (right or left). His abs and lower chest is to small. For more detail such as actual abs you might want to rethink the size.
He needs to have it coming from one general direction. From my computer screen it looks like the lightsource is coming from the North. Usually it comes from the left or right. Sorry in advance if I am wrong.
I know just to me I was thought to usually make a light source/sun come from the left. I know it's only me though.
I like your simplicity of the base you should try to fix the little jagged lines though but I think what you have so far is great.
Hmm, just a question, if the sun is behind you right o.o wouldnt you be pillow shaded o.o dun dun dun conspiracy!
I like how stylistic it is, it's a nice change from seeing the same bases over and over.
But the way you've done his pecs makes it look like he has mantitties. |
It looks dopey looking. Also, is that based off of my base that I created? It looks a base I made. Though, it could just be a coincidence. I was trying to model it off of an old Megaman game.
![]() |
BigGooding was right. They do look alike. In fact, other then about 6 pixels, they are identical.
Either Jamora or MdNight ripped the other off, and I'm guessing it's Jamora. |
Considering Naruto Evo pretty much trased a Naruto Sprite and reshaded, he could have used that same sprite as a ref, or done something simular.
Just giving the benefit of the doubt. |
Ahh I see. I haven't really seen too many naruto sprites. It's a possibility I guess.
Although Jamora claims to have based his sprite on megaman, and the lines are exactly the same as MdNights... I don't know. Something's still fishy. :p |