Here's the recent base I've been working on, I think I've improved from all the other bases , I've made shading and shape wise.
Feb 7 2009, 5:47 am
In response to John liriano
In response to John liriano
In response to Rasengan3oo4
Hmmm, there is a big perspective issue here. Your using 3/4ths right? If so, the feet are the only thing that are in 3/4ths, the rest of it is in a side scroller view(Which makes him look like he is on his tippy toes). Look in Tutorials for the 3/4ths perspective topic AmonR made.
In response to Dark Inc.
Dark Inc. wrote:
Nice. Rules Say to critque art. Really your legs are too skinny they just don't look right with his upper body. |
In response to Riku 123q
Riku 123q wrote:
Dark Inc. wrote: So? and ur telling me that? Plox do me a favor dun talk to me and go check ur uber nub ranking Honorary Noob List! |
In response to Dark Inc.
Dark Inc. wrote:
Riku 123q wrote: You think I care what chrisgayle or anyone on the internet thinks of me? Anyway that was directed to Ras I accidentally quoted you. Now do me a favor and learn to spell at least partially right. KTHXBAI! |
In response to Riku 123q
Riku 123q wrote:
Dark Inc. wrote: Take these arguments off of these forums. |
In response to Riku 123q
Riku 123q wrote:
Rules Say to critque art. Its 32x32 icon sizes what do you expect. If I changed the legs I would have to change the whole icon itself also. |
In response to Rugg
Rugg wrote:
It looks good.Thanks I'm going to post updated version a bit later which might feature new color choice, I got critique Pmitch over msn. :O |
a really fast edit
i fix the legs cause yours look discombobulate and arms
i also made the chest pop up more added some more details.