i think i have captured the look that i was going for. But what do you guys think i could do to make it look better.
1st.ref:http://images1.wikia.nocookie.net/naruto/images/thumb/a/a7/ First_Hokage_Statue.jpg/180px-First_Hokage_Statue.jpg
2nd.ref:http://i264.photobucket.com/albums/ii178/Nejitrix32/ 6a00cd972316874cd500e398a8c39b0004-.jpg
3rd. ref:http://www.fotothing.com/photos/08e/ 08e4dcc53f74119b5529b12d67779cd4_f7d.jpg
Aug 25 2008, 3:05 pm
Aug 26 2008, 2:05 am
WOW!!!!!!!!!!!! ZOMG what game are you doing it for can i come play!!!!???? That icon is amazing i mean theres no words for it!!!
In response to Chrislee123
Naruto Evolution.
Well for one, the cliff you're putting the statues on doesn't seem to tile very well. As for the statues, they're kinda just floating in the air it seems. They also appear dropped right on the side of the cliff, instead of becoming the end of the cliffs like it is in your references. Personally, I think you're relying too much on the black lines to define everything. Even with all the dithering there's a distinct lack of volume that makes everything look just slightly embossed rather than fully 3-dimentional. Also some banding going on in some places. I'd suggest some serious AA and more extreme shading.
In response to AmonR
AmonR wrote:
Personally, I think you're relying too much on the black lines to define everything. Agreed 100%. Lose the black lines. |
In response to Disturbed Puppy
k guess i'll post it when im done