I just finished the S facing state.

[img] penisrevised2ku9.png[/img]

I kind of like it, but I know there must be room for improvement. Any ideas on how I could improve it? I kind of wish it was more RPGish, like a Chrono Trigger (SNES) type.

Note: This is my first icon. xD

Edit: Sorry for the crappy quality, it changed format on me. =( I changed the shoulder shape/pants shape, de-buffed it a bit, and played with the shading.
PNG will help with quality.
Lmao. Penisrevised? Why would you name it that? Lol. I think you should fix the feet up a bit. It looks like a Wobbuffet(Pokemon). Ummm.. Make them facing more down and not out. That should fix it up a bit.

Maybe I am wrong. It might be those short/pants. It makes it look weird I think.
In response to Akto
Really? I kind of like the feet. o.o
In response to IkariBird
Anyway, I just changed it.