Ok, so I'm helping my friend with his game, so I decided to make a new base. But sadly, I'm having a few problems with the side movements. Heres a picture of what I have so far.
I think the north and south movements look alright, but the Right and Left movements look kinda funny. I need some advice on how to improve it.
Thanks in advance.
Jun 23 2008, 5:42 pm
In response to AmonR
AmonR wrote:
You may want to reconsider your north/south. Haha, that does look a lot alike. But I have never seen his base, I made that from scratch. I rather die first than to be a ripper. But I can try and make another base if it bothers you. o,o |
In response to Jordan11
I don't think it's me you'll be bothering. Your call though.
In response to AmonR
AmonR wrote:
I don't think it's me you'll be bothering. Your call though. *Hugh*...Why is it always me? *wipes head with handkerchief* Jordan11 wrote: Looks like you've come a ridiculously long way from these last two months: Post [link], Post [link]. You swapped colors from the old base then did a little editing. (Btw, I really don't understand why you gave up that good contrast you had on your old bases shorts for the lower ones on my base.) As for the NR base being there...Irony is the old bases colors aren't even his either...Yeah, you guessed it, he ripped that too; Took the colors right off it. The head only has 5 pixel differences shape wise (which would be the ear and the jagged edged forehead fix [takes 2 pixels?] ). Judging from those two threads I referred to earlier it also looks like you were accused of ripping prior to this ordeal though the resemblance's aren't as consistent nor as precise as this time. Looks like a tiger really can't change it's stripes. |
In response to Hulio-G
Hmmm. I'll have to think about what to do. There's been instances where people have had freakishly similar bases, though there seems to be too many similarities in this case. 'specially when you compared the side states Hulio.
In response to Maggeh
I think people are looking at bases for references. And they sorta flow to copying it because they can't get it to where it is different, and still looking could. So they end up counting pixels o.o.
In response to XxJUICExX
Having a similar shape is one thing but when the shading is too similar and there are barely any pixel differences between two different works, it's no coincidence. On top of which, he looks like he was trying to not get accused of ripping the base so he mixed two different bases in order to not be found out and it didn't work; he failed at it.
Whether it's by coincidence or not, it's awwwwwwfully close, line-wise. Talkin' one to two pixel differences here.