In response to Akto
Akto wrote:
Lol. Good thing I checked out the whole site. I saw that. I'm going to get working and practicing my line-art.

Well heres the latest update:


You sure you posted the right link? I don't see any changes at all.
In response to Hulio-G
Refesh the page... Photobucket is retarded and sometimes it keeps the last picture. If it doesn't have fire than you know its the new one.
In response to Maggeh
Hulio and I discussed this. There are a couple light sources for the fact that there is fire.
I haven't posted here for awhile. So how about we catch up...
First try: Needed serious help. I went dither crazy. XD Flames needed a more realistic look so they were taken out for ajustments.
Second try: Dither had been defeated and shading was starting to take its form. Was questioning the colors... Also questioned the candle shading.
Latest try: This is what I have been working on. I changed up the colors, it seems to look better with the new colors. Left side is the newer side, right side is so you can compare.

Continuing to edit.... This is going to look cool.
Oh yeah... working on my AA also....
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