Im making my game with big icons so it looks better graphics wise and i made a simple base icon tell me what u think and how i can improve its along time since i iconed.
Im making my game with big icons so it looks better graphics wise and i made a simple base icon tell me what u think and how i can improve its along time since i iconed.
Pull the arms down lower, and dont put them behind the base's back. With a base that size you can even make fingers.
Give the base a thicker neck, ad a pixel on each side.
Add some detail to the overall base. Shade in the
Change the base's width to an odd number of pixels, that way you'll have a true middle.
Make the head alittle bigger and add ears.
Shade it, give it a lightsource. It looks flat without any detail.
Give it Eyebrows.
I like that you're taking initiative and moving away from traditional 32x32 bases. Im looking forward to seeing how it comes out.
Sry i aint replied in ages my internet was down till we go wireless activated also thanks for the criteria and ill add the updated base soon and u can help me i do know theres a couple of things i need help with..thats if your willing to help.
Pull the arms down lower, and dont put them behind the base's back. With a base that size you can even make fingers.
Give the base a thicker neck, ad a pixel on each side.
Add some detail to the overall base. Shade in the
Change the base's width to an odd number of pixels, that way you'll have a true middle.
Make the head alittle bigger and add ears.
Shade it, give it a lightsource. It looks flat without any detail.
Give it Eyebrows.
I like that you're taking initiative and moving away from traditional 32x32 bases. Im looking forward to seeing how it comes out.