I decided to share my work with you guys since you fellow artists are much more experienced than i am i would like some help on my base's and such mostly ive been doing Cloths/Suits.

I know that i pillow shade ( mostly try to keep it to 2-4 colors tho ) but i just cant seem to find my way with a light source its pretty difficult and hard to perfect.Im kind of a perfectionist if 1 thing is wrong i mostly start all over.Well i pillow shade because i think it gives a nice skin effect and in my opinion my bases look better in pillow shading ( but im practicing light sources also :D ) So i want you to give me some advice or some tips or perhaps even a tutorial so i can get better :)

The one above is my first attempt the one down is my 2nd attempt :D ( Feel free to use but some credit would be appreciated. )