The following is the base for an original naruto game coming out... please rate it with C+C(mayby a 1/10 also)
XxJUICExX wrote:
The following is the base for an original naruto game coming out... please rate it with C+C(mayby a 1/10 also)

Please don't simply rate artwork (or ask for ratings). If you've got crits and comments, make 'em thoughtful and more than one line. Tell people what they might try differently as well as what you (specifically) like about a piece.
In response to TheMonkeyDidIt
ok, thanks for the advice, sorry anyways
In response to XxJUICExX
XxJUICExX wrote:
ok, thanks for the advice, sorry anyways

No worries.
I just wanted people to say something a little more in-depth than '10' :)
In response to TheMonkeyDidIt
In response to XxJUICExX
By the way, it's hard for anyone to give you any feedback when you post it as a .jpg image. Save it as .png and it'll come out alot clearer and people will be able to give you better constructive criticism.
The dark prince majin vegeta wrote:
By the way, it's hard for anyone to give you any feedback when you post it as a .jpg image. Save it as .png and it'll come out alot clearer and people will be able to give you better constructive criticism.

He has a point here. PNGs and GIFs are better for showing pixel art.

That being said, you might wanna add some highlight (a spot of brighter color) to the head. Your shading is coming in from the edges of the outline of the sprite, but with no consideration for a lightsource.

I replied to Darkdemonrad about a similar thing a looooong time ago: forum/?id=522577&view=1#522525