my very first builing ever ! and yes i am proud of it though it has some flaws.


and here's my very first try at a rock/cliff turf

It's clear you have naturally good line art skills for someone that just started. I don't like to let down too much at once. Just know alot of us used to do what you're doing but truth is that isn't pixel work. Pixel art is pixel by pixel, this means no brushes or renders or whatever distorts the pixels on photoshop or any other GFX software. Your work will look alot more attractive if you stop that.

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These are basically rocks (I thought i'd help you with your pebbles too, I knew which look you were going for but I added both A and B for educational purposes (just incase you wanted to put your rocks in different positions in the future and understand how things work). I won't really explain what I did detail by detail because I think I showed enough visually for you to understand, I hope. Right now you basically have E but with an outline...We'll call it F. Improve it when you have the time, right now it's just blurriness.
In response to Hulio-G
The cliff he did is line art, and alot of it just looks blurred cause he used photobucket or something and saved it as a jpeg...
In response to Bakasensei
Bakasensei wrote:
The cliff he did is line art, and alot of it just looks blurred cause he used photobucket or something and saved it as a jpeg...

What? You clearly don't even know what "line art" is. (just for your sake).
Anyway when I read his post for some reason I thought they were rock turfs instead of a cliff. Regardless, the rock tutorial still demonstrates how light can help identify the shape of the rock whether they be on the ground or not and the benefits of pixel by pixel along with a few basic shading methods.

As for that last comment, let me just take 5 minutes of my time to test out that theory.

Pixel By Pixel - PNG
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Pixel by Pixel - JPEG
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There's no mystery here, no matter how you save an image you can still tell if it's pixel art or not. Surely you can see the ridiculous amount of colors displayed in his work. I could expect a post like that from a programmer or any ordinary player but not a pixel artist.
In response to Hulio-G
Did you make that green guy Hulio? I really like it.
In response to SSJ_Crono
SSJ_Crono wrote:
Did you make that green guy Hulio? I really like it.

Yeah, thanks. Your key seems pretty old and familiar I'm pretty sure we may have met a few years earlier, you remember a guy named "Pagemaster"?
In response to Hulio-G
I meant the cliff was Pixel Art* Sorry for making you kinda waste your time right there xD. And yes I do know what line art is, I use it all the time >.> The building was originally made as line art then he used photoshop or something and added the textures to it.