I'm trying to make a base and I really need some help lol.Please give me any advice u have to offer.

Some advice would be good =o.
The legs are weird and arms too and the head is weird too
so fix em all pants are OK and skin is too blacky
You have wasteful color usage for one. If you notice all of your shades pretty much blend in to make another brown. It's seems you tried to use dithering; which doesn't really work on something as small as that. Higher Contrasting shades in more concentrated locations will help it a lot.

The arms should be slightly longer (increase them by one or 2 pixel length), but this is only if you keep in proportion with the chest, however...

I'm thinking you made the head and torso too large for a 32x32 icon, and you tried to squeeze the legs in. Resulting in a bazaar "small" leg appearance which seems to not have been done on purpose. I don't know, maybe decrease the size of the torso to bring it into proportion with the legs/arms. You'll end up with a "big headed" character style, but it wont look as weird.

The way you did the feet, it just looks like the legs bend at a weird angle where the knee should be.