Hey i was wondering if any of you can help well not make for me but either get me a tut on making trees particualy the leaf area which i find hard (not the best iconner u see around xD) so i will really appreciatte it if you can get me a tut on it or give me some tips...
thanx in advance(i wanna see monkeydidit's one too but please help if your not him anyway)
Nov 29 2007, 9:18 am
In response to Bakasensei
Thanx baka and soz about putting it in the wrong place
but thnx dude nive tutorials but i wated soo long tht i tryed it myself earlier but still these will im prove my skills thanx ~.:::Chaos::.~ |
Tsuguma talks about tree's here: http://petesqbsite.com/sections/tutorials/tuts/tsugumo/ chapter5.htm
Here is another basic tutorials for tree's:
Sorry I cant find anymore, but if you want I can try and make one(Just say so).