Something i tryed

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Okay, I can tell what you were trying to do(Make Gretel's building and use his style). But you dithered and put random pixels in it, which I think would ruin it unless you size it down. Gretel just used the Noise command to make all those random pixels that made a gray wall. I would suggest redoing the whole thing, adding shading to it, better line art(Like a better shape), and use a beter reference picture. The windows arent all that great either, they look too big for it. I suggest taking some tutorials first too, like MonkeyDidIt's tile set tutorial.
Randyarmy wrote:
Something i tryed

You need to be more patient with your work, Randy. You need to look at your work and recognize where it is and where you want it to be. Carefully study stuff like Gretel's building and figure out exactly what he's doing (and why) and then apply it to your drawings.

I'm moving this to works-in-progress because I don't think you're done with it.