Some Constructive Crits and stuff..
![]() Sep 28 2007, 11:00 am
Robbie Hewitt wrote:
Head: To round...should be more oval Oval make sit look weird i will show you Arms: Should be a bit longer Cant be longer it was done in the 36 x36 windows and would just add more work to close ect Feet: Make him bare footed and they should be bigger the boots gives it more def and the things i got done Legs: He should be in underwear =/He is in underwear in the 36x36 windows Eyebrows: He looks kinda evil, don't make them so close together, he has a uni-brow...or at least it looks like it.not a uni brow just looks that way Shading: It's okay, use more contrast and set a light sourceLight source doesn't work good becuz the shading in the trees and such will not match all the time i got an idea on creating light source with out doing it on the base so its like the sun shifts when it goes night -Note: You're playing with multi-tiled bases...not done very often, good job. However, you have a lot more space to work with, use the space! Too much space would clutter the code in pixelating too much not much room to play :\ the head is good though and idk about the arms cuz it would just have a little peace of his hand in the window middle legs |
You realize you just argued with every single crit he gave you when he was 100% right on all of them. No point in anyone else saying anything if you're just going to make up some random excuse not to take the advice and tell us we're wrong.
I mean, come on...Especially the one about the head, it's not looking good because you simply didnt make it good enough...And not being able to lengthen those arms that stop at the pockets? You don't have to use dreammaker to make your work, infact hardly any of us that take our work seriously do. Theres plenty of better programs out there (graphicgale, photoshop, paint, etc) you can use so you dont limit yourself. And using too much space will cluttering the code?...Lol...You'll never get any better being lazy, being in denial and not working to your full potential. |
Hello, Im Legendary Goku 10, and i support this message. >_>
Anyway, try adding some better contrast to the hair. I think you did a decent job on the pants, but the chest and arm shading could use alittle work (even without a lightsource). Better contrast would show more detail in the muscles. Keep at it, I look forward to seeing more work from you. |
Go look in a mirror:
Your head is not round, it is oval. Everyone else uses oval heads...and they all look fine. Your arms don't stop at your waist, how do you think you put your hands in your pockets? If your going to be that lazy, then don't make multi-tiled bases. That may be so, but you would have more flexibility if you didn't have boots on. Since your lazy already, you COULD just recolor it to match skin tone! If he's in his underwear why do I see pants? The point was that I looks like a uni-brow, not that it is. Whether it is or not, it shouldn't look that way. If you were making all your icons from scratch (maybe you are) then you could define a single light source. I don't see how you can 'clutter the code' with pixel art? You want this to be realistic, or at least you should, take my SUGGESTIONS, and learn from them. PS the windows are 32x32 not 36x36 PS2 you asked for crit, I gave you crit, learn to take it. |
Hulio-G wrote:
You realize you just argued with every single crit he gave you when he was 100% right on all of them. No point in anyone else saying anything if you're just going to make up some random excuse not to take the advice and tell us we're wrong. You know this kid is only like 10 years old right? I know this kid i thought he should give this a try. But nope now this kid is crying at home and i got to listen to his mom. Because assholes like you and robert can't take the kids ideas on the way he wants things. Well there goes another one I introduced for people to have as a pixel artist. Hulio-G why you gotta hurt the kids feelings? Robert come on man give him a break HE'S FUCKING TEN, TEN! Oh well i guess its back to the drawing board.and dont say "well if he is ten then he should not be on here" because thats a bullshit statement. It is good for a ten year old man keep it up and Rob he said he was making it so when it goes night and day the shading and shadow would change with the time. i think thats what he ment by it but we will never know now :( Byond is Grossly becoming the shit of the net well i am out till the next time I send someone to get there shit stomped on . O and PS. Robbie robert rob what ever the fuck your name is your head isn't so oval in that last one i seen you posted ;) might wanna stop the Hypocritism before flying off the handle on a head shape. just some friendly advice from Vancegetto and Hulio-G about tall the drug stsement just because your redneck dad would beat your ass red if he cought you smoking drugs doesnt mean every one else has to stop because you cant join the group :). ______________ Vancegetto |
Vancegetto wrote:
You know this kid is only like 10 years old right? How exactly is anybody supposed to know that? I know this kid i thought he should give this a try. But nope now this kid is crying at home and i got to listen to his mom. Because assholes like you and robert can't take the kids ideas on the way he wants things. Well there goes another one I introduced for people to have as a pixel artist. You sent the kid here, and he ASKED for constructive crits. He was given some. It's not like anybody said, 'Wow, you suck.' He actually got some positive feedback for tackling a multi-tile mob. Hulio-G why you gotta hurt the kids feelings? Robert come on man give him a break HE'S [...] TEN, TEN! Oh well i guess its back to the drawing board.and dont say "well if he is ten then he should not be on here" because thats a [bullcrap] statement. It's got nothing to do with the fact that he's ten, but if he's the type of person who is going to cry when he gets any slightly negative feedback, then yeah, you probably shouldn't send him here, or anywhere for that matter. The worst thing anybody did was say he was lazy. Maybe not the nicest thing to say, but certainly not the end of the world. Hell, I'm lazy and I manage to get by ;) It is good for a ten year old... It IS good for a ten year old. But unless I'm missing something, there is no label on forum posts that says, 'Carefull, 10 year old poster'. He posted a pic in the 'Works in Progress' forum. If you know the kid, and you know he is THAT sensitive, you shouldn't have sent him here ASKING for crits. I am sorry he's upset. His pic is better than a heck of a lot of people can do, regardless of their age. He has potential, but in order to tap that potential he is going to have to be able to take and work with criticism. |
You can't hide the kid from real world because thats how things work...When you ask for your material to be criticized best believe it will be (and most of the time by people with more experience). Now do you ever see anybody here dodging the advice they asked for(If so it's rare...Not breaking down every line that makes sense)? It's almost as if the kid expected us to bow down to his knees and say it's perfected. He didnt want "any" crits at all...
It's actually "you" that should help him and be a good role model, telling him how things work around here instead of coming around and making one of the most unintelligent posts I've ever seen in my seven years of byonding. P.S. Trying to convince people to join your "drug group" infront of the kid isnt the best way of being a role model either. (I wouldnt be surprised if he's already in it, thats probably the reason why he broke into tears over a post with no insult, what kind of 10 year old does that?...And if he thinks thats bad I really pray that you don't introduce him to the anime forums or even worse a fan game with other people his age because God knows their merciless and wont give the kind of simpathy we give) But then again I don't expect much from a best friend of "X-treme". |
I was going to reply to Vancegetto's post, but Hulio-G and Flick pretty much covered it all.
And BTW Vancegetto...your head is most definitely oval! |
I was talking about your head numb nuts. Your head for that chat avatar thing is not oval then why bitch about it hmm.. Sounds a little hypocritical to me. Ragging on the kid and you yourself made a head round and not oval don't ya think.
See this post here -----> http://members.byond.com/PixelArt/forum?id=2037 |
X-trem is not my best buddy more like a best cousin and one i might add is a hell of alot more original then you are with your anime fan art
Vancegetto wrote:
X-trem is not my best buddy more like a best cousin and one i might add is a hell of alot more original then you are with your anime fan art Funny you should say that. Especially since he was DQ'd from the logo competition for ripping art from the "Art By Dan" website. Real original. http://members.byond.com/PixelArt/forum?id=1672#1778 |
Body wrote:
Vancegetto wrote: X-trem Since when did i say Zerburius i did not did I? I said X-tremNot that 2 bit hack rip off of him Go make more anime fan art Ermm and who are you again and why must you try to talk to me |
Read the thread again, this time use your eyes and reading glasses. Also, go through the forums and look for more instances where each have said they were one another. This will be my last reply by order of Zenig.
His head is a circle...mines is close, but there are modifications. He asked to know what was wrong, did he not? So I let him know his head should be more oval than it is. Simple as that.
Unbelievable. Vancegetto, why are you insulting them for critiquing?
You have no right to insult them. BTW Zerburius is X-treme. |
Vancegetto wrote:
You know this kid is only like 10 years old right? Pepsicanwarriors wrote: Some Constructive Crits and stuff.. Vance, consider this your first and only warning. Everything you said could have been said without the smack talk. This announcement is posted as a warning to everyone, including 10 year olds. Niether Robbie and Hulio said anything flame-worthy and both took their time to post only constructive criticism (whether right or wrong from your point of view) on Pepsi's work. It's up to him to learn to deal with criticism (with your help). FWIW, he's very good for any age. Pure compliments, however, won't make him any better. |
Arms: Should be a bit longer
Feet: Make him bare footed and they should be bigger
Legs: He should be in underwear =/
Eyebrows: He looks kinda evil, don't make them so close together, he has a uni-brow...or at least it looks like it.
Shading: It's okay, use more contrast and set a light source
-Note: You're playing with multi-tiled bases...not done very often, good job. However, you have a lot more space to work with, use the space!