Heres some of the things ive been working on. It would be alot better if i made these gifs instead, but i dont have ps nor know how to use GG.

Theres a Mallet hit state, dash states, and the dash punch states, aswell as the masenko which is transparent where the hands are. I am currently working on a transistion from the dash state, and a dash knee state.

Thats such a great job, I like what you did with the Masenko Gohan is using, the transparency is a nice change of pace then what I usually see, I assuming all the beams will be like that?

The mallet state is nice, there isnt much I can say on it besides the question, is his left hand supposed to be gripping the bottom handle of the mallet? If it is, I cant see it that clearly.

As for the Goten & Trunks,and the Vegeta & Goku, superb job. I really like the way you do the hair.
In response to DYS