//Title: Is Text In Order
//Credit to: DivineO'peanut
//Contributed by: YDivineO'peanut
Returns TRUE if the specified words are found in [txt] in order, and FALSE otherwise.
Format: IsTxtInOrder(text_scanned,words)
Lists are used when multiple words can be found in the text segment.
In example, IsTxtInOrder(text_scanned,list("Hi","Hello"),"World")
would return TRUE if the text is "Hi World!" or "Hello World!".
var/cur_pos = 1
for(var/word_pos = 2 to args.len)
var/word = args[word_pos]
// This tag is here because calling "break" in the
// following loop may actually break the main loop.
for(w in word)
temp_pos = findtext(txt,w,cur_pos)
if(temp_pos) break nest_loop
cur_pos = temp_pos
cur_pos = findtext(txt,word,cur_pos)
if(!cur_pos) return 0
return 1
//Testing Code/Sample Implementation:
mob/verb/say(text_scanned as text)
src << "-- \"[text_scanned]\""
/* Example text that would return TRUE:
"Hi World!"
"Hello World!"
"Why hello there, world!"
"Hellow, worldy!" -- If you don't want the scan to accept words like this,
IsTxtInOrder(text_scanned,list(" Hi "," Hello ")," World ") should be used instead,
where spaces surround each scanned text segment.
src << "Hello, [usr.name]!"
/* Example text that would return TRUE:
"How's it going, World?"
"How is it going, World?"
"So... How's it going, World? Haven't talked to you in a while."
src << "Oh, just the usual, [usr.name]."
![]() Oct 14 2007, 5:19 am
![]() Oct 25 2007, 10:14 am
Dan has a version of this, called FindOrderedText. I'll see if I can't put it up.