Hello i'm Marcel Owner and developer of World Piece Online(WPO), i started this project years ago when i had a dream to make a game that i miss, i dont know how, but i learned all i needed to start that and i did it, then i tried to achieve a point that i could earn some money from my hard work and to make it i needed to turn it in standalone, nothing against byond plataform, i just dont want to convince all my players to dowload byond and learn how it works to finnaly find my game(or not) and play it, is very easier bring new people with a big download button and a play now screen.I tried some times to do it and hadnt sucess, then i became frustred and almost leaved my dream behind for a very long time, now i'm here ready to try again and i'm here just to ask again: How can i get a standalone version to my game? How much it cost? What is the process? ty(and no! i'm not interested in web client version =D)