Just made a new css for teka, yes it still needs improvement. So comments would be appreciated :)
Thanks nish good job
pippin..still gonna fight you for a logo though.
rofl make me a css ill give you something.....=(
lol Its nice actually =P
ppl told me u buy member ships, can u buy me 1 plz pretty plz
Teka, can you buy my friend a byond membership? his key is Darksponge911... if you can, contact him in the game... Zen that is... ty
shut the fuck up teka aint buying you guys anything for one thing he dont even know you
hmm thanku but dont swear lol
hey i was banned from Dragon Ball Zen because i asked Turles y he was buggin da game makin more of him and he banned me.... culd get me back on there it wuld be appriciated... thanx man

Wanna make me a CSS for my member page 0.o