2D post processing and shaders etc.. stuff BYOND cant do.
I've extracted the .dmi files from some of my favorite games, but I can't turn them into .pngs
I used to be able to rename a .dmi file to .png and everything worked, but for some reason I can't do this anymore. Is it just me?
I made a crude dmi to png 'exporter', which just caches the .png files in your "../Documents/BYOND/cache" folder.
var/wall = ""
for(var/f in flist(""))
var/icon/i = new("[f]")
for(var/ic in icon_states(i,2))
var/icon/ii = new("[f]",icon_state = "[ic]")
usr << browse_rsc(ii, "[f]_[ic].png")
wall += "<img src='[f]_[ic].png' title='[f]_[ic]'>"
usr << browse(wall)
Some programs don't respect the metadata though and will wipe it out, so you need to use something like TweakPNG to keep track of it.