
by F0lak
Explore a vast open world full of dangers and wonders
Hazordhu 6110 is now live.
... and looking better than ever!
First off, I'd like to say a huge thank you to those who have supported the game on Patreon so far. If you like the game and are excited to support an indie developer and help to keep Hazordhu moving forward, support the game on Patreon, and receive exclusive in-game benefits!

6110 - 7 additions, 6 fixes

  • The game now begins in full-screen, use alt + enter to toggle windowed mode
  • New User Interface - Still in beta stages, so please be sure to post any bugs encountered with it here!
  • Animals now replenish health when their AI deactivates (player no longer within 15 tiles)
  • Several animal types can no longer be burned to death
  • New item: Perch: used to send carrier peeks with messages to posts
  • Big Cursor toggle added (ctrl + enter to toggle)
  • New Animal: Pook: A black version of a Peek, currently only found if spawned by an Ael

  • Flargls no longer catch fire [report]
  • Characters are no longer on fire after they die [report], [report]
  • Peek AI fixed [report]
  • A Big Cursor has been fixed for larger resolutions [report]
  • Animals will no longer wander off when tethered or in a boat [report]
  • Combat damage rebalanced [report]

Thank you for reading. Happy Roleplaying!

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