Hey guys... I just finished buying a 1 Year BYOND Membership, I'm just waiting for it to be confirmed...
However, I would like to say, BYOND can make a little bit of Extra Money if they sign up to receive BAT (Basic Attention Token).
BAT is a Crypto based off of ETH.
I currently use Brave Web Browser on my Phone and PC... I generally make $1-$1.50 / Month...
I save my Computer Amount because I can cash out to my Wallet on PC... But on the Mobile it is specifically meant to be donated...
Currently I have $3 in BAT between my Phone and PC...
If you (BYOND) accept BAT Donations and advertise the Brave Web Browser... Even if people want to SAVE MOST of their BAT but give 1 BAT a month...
20,000 People = 20,000 BAT which is about (I think if my math is right) $2,600 USD.
(Math is right, checked Google)
Even if only 2000 People donate 1 BAT out of their 5-10 BAT / month it would be an extra $260 / Month that BYOND isn't getting.
It's free Money for Crypto Users and The Site they Donate to (BYOND).