(See the best response by Lige.)
Who exactly would I speak to in terms of getting a subscription system implemented into my game if possible?
I was more reffering to a byond related tab
Best response
Unless it was changed within the last few years, your hub has to be publicly listed by a moderator to have access to the Subscriptions and Credits tabs. Once you have access to that, you'll have to make use of CheckPassport if you want to use the built-in subscription system.
Well my game has public access, but how woul dI get the tab?
In response to Rod5
Rod5 wrote:
Well my game has public access, but how woul dI get the tab?

If the tab isn't showing then it's not publicly listed as an original game. As far as I'm aware, setting it to public within the settings only lets moderators give it a status. If that status is set as fangame then it's not going to give you the subscription and credits tabs. If you feel your game was listed with an inappropriate status, I'd recommend you contact support or an active moderator.