Custom fonts sometimes didn't appear in output or other skin controls.
BYOND Version:513.1514
Operating System:N/A
Web Browser:N/A
Applies to:Dream Seeker
Status: Resolved (513.1515)

This issue has been resolved.
var/list/font = list('mangat.ttf')
world << output("<font face = 'Manga Temple'>Round End!</font>", "Log")

Problem description:
Been looking for a reason why font faces applied to outputs don't work but they work for maptext. So I'm confused now. I have a list that contains the fonts, and I'm not trying to get it to work for browse() either. Only in the chat.

An example of me using it on maptext and it working.
maptext = "<text align = center valign = middle><font face = 'Manga Temple' color = black>Show me the dice.</font>"
This may sound dumb, but I tried this many moons ago and I believe the solution was browse_rsc().

src<<output("<font face=\"Manga Temple\">hey</font>", "log")
In response to Major Falcon
Don't worry, it's an attempt at least but sadly didn't work. I don't really see what could be the problem. It was working a while ago BEFORE updating my BYOND but then it just died on me afterwards. And I tried rolling back to the version I was in before and it still wasn't working out for me.
It's entirely possible this is a bug. If so a test project would be a good idea to rule that out.

For HTML attributes however you should never put a space around the = operator. That's bad form.
In response to Lummox JR
Ah okay, and thanks for the advice for the HTML. Messaging you a test of this.
Lummox JR resolved issue with message:
Custom fonts sometimes didn't appear in output or other skin controls.