Dunno where to put it so I'll ask here, is there any way to signal to DD on Windows to terminate gracefully. As far as I know, the options for terminating a remote process on windows are:
Sending WM_CLOSE(clicking the X in the title bar) on the process main window, which is what taskkill.exe without the /F flag does, but DD doesn't terminate when that the button is clicked so that won't work
Killing the process with TerminateProcess, now while that works to kill dd, it doesn't run per-termination hooks(world/Del())
On Linux the issue is solved by sending SIGTERM for graceful termination and SIGKILL for forced termination but the windows DD doesn't seem to have any functionality to terminate DD gracefully remotely without having additional code in the game (like listening for topic messages) unless you considering faking clicks on the stop button which is hacky at best.
So am I missing something or is there simply no way?
thats the same as point 1, it send a close message to the main window which dd ignores
https://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/ 4c8fad53-d7ad-4e9a-9569-454d9c793bd3/ powershell-to-close-a-running-program-gracefully-without-use s-interact?forum=w7itprogeneral