The Guild System
As new information about the guild system comes out, it’s looking more and more like my predictions about the system were correct. Ugh… what a convoluted mess. Aside from the fact that the guild system is pretty much a repackaged channel system, it has the potential to make things a lot worse. If you hate the ranking system, then you’re in for a real treat.
Time and time again, the staff has made excuses for the state of the BYOND community, blaming the problems on the fact that kids and teenagers make up the majority of users. Okay, fine: so WHY are we putting even more power in the hands of the community? Screw standards and quality control: let’s let 12 year olds decide what games deserve to be published.
What’s next… taking a vote on moderation decisions? Making BYOND open-source?
But wait! Guilds are cool because they have forums! We need input from users on what channel a game belongs in! We need to create a sub-community for every different genre of game!
It’s like a cliché from a cheesy movie. A guy throws out an idea and gets ignored, then a split second later someone else suggests the same exact idea like it’s the most amazing thing ever:
