Feb 11 2020, 1:23 pm
Heyo, I used to play Nate way way back in the day. I was friends with a quite a few of the mods and admins. I know it is highly unlikely that SNK even looks at this thing anymore as they have likely moved on with their lives, but I wanted to reach out and see if any of the old guard still stalk this old page or if maybe we could resurrect the game that single-handedly cultivated my love for RP.
Sep 22 2020, 4:10 am
Oh damn hey dude! I was the pink haired one that was shinigami a lot! I miss people. :( I still chat with Zarkus off and on though!
I still stalk this page every now and then. I was the annoying adolescent with an ego lol. My original key was Wolfdude5. I don't really talk to anybody anymore from the DNO days.
I still randomly see Zarkus playing and I've seen Lulu on some of the NRP games that I was adminning on a few years back, but that's about it. I also think I still have Roxie and Zarkus on my Facebook, but I stopped using it a long time ago. |
Holy HELL dudes. Hi! Nate! Roxie! And Wolfdude whose actually in-game-names I don't remember but I sure as hell remember as a personality! Hi!!
Flash from the absolute past -- ABSURDLY recent present, comparatively -- to see people still connecting here, even to the smallest degree. It's been 15 years later or so, I started this project when I was pushing 10, maybe 11, and now I'm almost 25. I ended up meeting SO many DNO people irl, Omnis (one of the GMs) ended up going to my college... Lots of memories. I know at some point I said I'd get back into making the game but tbh I was finally making irl friends, working my way out of the closet (both gender-and-sexuality-wise... is anyone surprised?!), and rushing through school and college to the point where by the time I got my degree in ... fuck, 2015? It seeemed pointless, and although I DID try and get back into BYOND -- the changes were a Lot for me, largely the barriers to accessibility. I'd love to get back into making games where multiple people can play on a server at once, and tbh, I've been struggling to find a good outlet to do so for YEARS now. i'm really into Python coding now and tbh, I've gotten pretty good at it -- looking back on DNO was a little embarrassing, but I regret very little -- I really would love to reconnect with people in a more meaningful way or perhaps take suggestions or get input on how to make a project that would allow me to do something like what BYOND did, but without the -- no hate to BYOND, I totally get what they needed to do -- obscene amount of ads that come for any user who doesn't pay the membership fee (unless I'm misunderstanding? If*I* can front a fee and have my players not have to have excessive loadup times I'd be down but for everyone to... :+( Plus re-learning DM now that I can program decently in more versatile languages would be... eh. Maybe I'll hit this little page up with some of the projects I've been working on in the meantime, because I promise one thing: i am still as much of a losernerd as ever and spend 99% of my time thinking about or developing games. And I've gotten way better, thank goodness! On the off-chance any of you ever see this, I just remade my discord and I'm at ryde#2303. If you're seeing this, played DNO, had at least One(1) interaction with me, I'd be delighted to hear from you... and to apologize 10 years too late for being THE WORST as a youth. Seriously. I was horrible! I don't know how you all put up with me, but I'm so thankful you did. The great feelings I got from somehow garnering such a memorable and wonderful community are what inspired me to pursue game development seriously, and now I do that, at home, on my own time, for a job. So... Thank you. (whoops, didn't mean to write an essay -- just got hit in the feelings. Regardless: if any of you DO ever see this: much love, from, the artist now known as Ryde) |