(See the best response by Flame Sage.)
missile() doesn't have speed argument?

missile proc
missile(Type, Start, End)
Type: An object prototype or icon file.
Start: The starting location.
End: The ending location.
Send a missile of the given Type between two locations. The effect is purely visual. When Type is an object, its icon is used for the missile.

missile(/obj/fireball, usr, loc)
Best response
You can always use an object.

layer = MOB_LAYER + 1
density = 0
proc/fire(var/mob/caster, var/mob/target, var/missle_speed)
src.loc = locate(caster.x, caster.y, caster.z)
walk_towards(src, target, 0, missle_speed)
I am pretty sure missle reads step_size written inside your obj code.
In response to Avainer1
Avainer1 wrote:
I am pretty sure missle reads step_size written inside your obj code.

I think it was a new feature just recently added.

The last argument:
Speed: Speed to move, in pixels. 0 uses Ref.step_size.
In response to Flame Sage
Flame Sage wrote:
Avainer1 wrote:
I am pretty sure missle reads step_size written inside your obj code.

I think it was a new feature just recently added.

The last argument:
Speed: Speed to move, in pixels. 0 uses Ref.step_size.

in the beta?
in the beta?

noo, no no no...
He is using obj code for the fireball.
All he has to do is add
step_size = [Insert the speed wanted here] and use missile(). Give it a go and tell me teh results.
I don't believe missile() is effected by step_size.
missile() is not effected by step_size
In response to Flame Sage
Flame Sage wrote:
You can always use an object.

> obj/missle/
> layer = MOB_LAYER + 1
> density = 0
> proc/fire(var/mob/caster, var/mob/target, var/missle_speed)
> src.loc = locate(caster.x, caster.y, caster.z)
> walk_towards(src, target, 0, missle_speed)

thanks, this actually enabled me to make a really really cool smoke effect.
I personally never liked using the missile effect.
I always have used objects for my animations because it allows me finer-grained control over such effects.

Also, FYI, I misspelled missile.