Development Update (21st December - 21st January)
This last month has been a very big one for Magicosm, having launched on January 12th and implemented many new sandbox features, powersets and redesigned the Hethalone realm. In addition to this, Magicosm now has a wikia so players can fully embrace the lore. We invite you to join us, and look forward to growing our community!
Developer's Log V.1.0
- Zombies no longer attack any players below level 15
- Missandra offers healing for 50GC
- Removed Duplicate Echo and replaced it with Project Echo, the new power has been assigned to Aura Sorcerers
- When an Aura Sorcerer is projected, they will only deal mental health damage
- Aura Sorcerers can no longer use weapons when in their Aura form
- Mental Exhaustion now deals mental health damage as well as regular damage
- Mental Overload now deals mental health damage as well as regular damage
- If a player's Mental Health reaches less than 25% they can no longer block their mind from being read
- If a player's Mental Health reaches less than 25% they can no longer block themselves off from being sensed
- All telepathic powers now require a player's mental health to be above 25
- All other powers and teleports now require a player's mental health to be above 20
- If a player's mental health is less than 40% they are more prone to feeling sad, depressed, irritated or angry
- Players whos mental health reaches below 10 will start to feel suicidal
- Removed the Quest Tab and replaced it with a Quest Log button on the new HUD
- Aura Sorcerer's can now heal a player's mental health
- Fixed the bug preventing Oceanid's from opening their Quest Tab
- Fixed the bug preventing players from finishing the Herbal Alchemy questline.
- Resting now slowly regenerates mental health, but at a very minimal speed. If you rest for a long time, you can eventually get it to full
- Implemented a 'Who' button on the new stat panel
- All purchasable furniture can now be interacted with by double clicking and so furniture verbs are no longer cluttering up the verb panel
- Implemented a 'Leap' ability for Mitsunes, this will allow players to double click anywhere on the map to leap.
- Most object verbs can now be accessed either by clicking once, or by double clicking it, thus reducing the amount of verb panel stats
- Overhauled the graphical interface for the game, including the new custom alert boxes
- Implemented a new chat box
- Restructured the ease of access buttons
- Players can now press tab to switch between inputs during character creation
- Fixed the bug preventing players from getting jobs
- Designed and implemented Bronze Armour (Platebody, Platelegs & Helmet)
- Designed and implemented Iron Armour (Platebody, Platelegs & Helmet)
- Designed and implemented Steel Armour (Platebody, Platelegs & Helmet)
- Designed and implemented Gold Armour (Platebody, Platelegs & Helmet)
- Designed and implemented Rosium Armour (Platebody, Platelegs & Helmet)
- Designed and implemented Kyanite Armour (Platebody, Platelegs & Helmet)
- Designed and implemented Rhodonite Armour (Platebody, Platelegs & Helmet)
- Designed and implemented Dioptase Armour (Platebody, Platelegs & Helmet)
- When wearing armour, players now take less damage against attacks
- Different armours offer different levels of protection against both melee and magic attacks, for example, a Bronze Helmet offers some protection against melee attacks, whereas a Rhodonite Helmet offers greater melee protection and some protection against magical attacks too
- Helmets and Armour will now auto unequip if you equip another
- Bronze Armour can now be crafted at an anvil using bronze bars (Helmet - 3 | Armour - 5)
- Iron Armour can now be crafted at an anvil using iron bars (Helmet - 3 | Armour - 5)
- Steel Armour can now be crafted at an anvil using steel bars (Helmet - 3 | Armour - 5)
- Gold Armour can now be crafted at an anvil using gold bars (Helmet - 3 | Armour - 5)
- Rosium Armour can now be crafted at an anvil using rosium bars (Helmet - 3 | Armour - 5)
- Kyanite Armour can now be crafted at an anvil using kyanite bars (Helmet - 3 | Armour - 5)
- Kyanite Armour can now be crafted at an anvil using kyanite bars (Helmet - 3 | Armour - 5)
- Rhodonite Armour can now be crafted at an anvil rhodonite bronze bars (Helmet - 3 | Armour - 5)
- Dioptase Armour can now be crafted at an anvil using dioptase bars (Helmet - 3 | Armour - 5)
- Added a new curse with the ability to take away another player's hearing
- Implemented a new skill (Gardening)
- Added a new Potion Ingredient (Poison Ivy)
- Players can now purchase Seeds from the Seed Seller
- Players can now purchase Planter Boxes from the Seed Seller
- Players can now plant Apples in Planter Boxes
- Players can now plant Coriander in Planter Boxes
- Players can now plant Dandelions in Planter Boxes
- Players can now plant Lavender in Planter Boxes
- Players can now plant Nightshade Berries in Planter Boxes
- Players can now plant Poison Ivy in Planter Boxes
- Players can now plant Rosemary in Planter Boxes
- Players can now plant Rose in Planter Boxes
- Players can now plant Sage in Planter Boxes
- Players can now plant Strawberries in Planter Boxes
- Players can now plant Thurfruit Trees in Planter Boxes
- Players can now plant Thyme in Planter Boxes
- Players can now plant Toadflax in Planter Boxes
- Players can now plant Toadstools in Planter Boxes
- Players can now plant Tomatos Planter Boxes
- Players can now plant Tulips Planter Boxes
- Players can now plant Violets Planter Boxes
- Plants can now become diseased and require appropriate watering
- Plant diseases can be cured by applying plant antidotes
- Watering Cans can now be filled up by double clicking sinks
- Blossom now works alongside the new Gardening Skill
- Blossom now has a cooldown
- Different plants yield different amounts of harvest and healthier plants produce more
- Only the player who planted the seed may now harvest its produce
- Planting and harvesting plants grants gardening experience
- Watering plants now gives a small amount of gardening experience
- The player stat panel now displays Gardening level and exp
- Implemented a new Tutorial
- Added 'View Ranks LIst' to the Options menu
- Players can now purchase Player Owned Shops for the default price of $25,000
- Players can now add items to their stores and assign their own prices
- Players can now customise their shop name and shop greeting
- Player shops now open in a separate window and display the item's image and price
- When adding items, players will be prompted to add more until they click cancel, making it easier to stock shops
- Players can now take items back from their shop's stock
- Fixed the bug that prevented a player's say from appearing for them
- Added a portal from the Hethalone Realm to Earth and vice versa
- Snakes and Rats now spawn on the Hethalone realm allowing players to train
- Snakes and Rats now also spawn in the forest on Earth
- Players can now gain experience and level up by roleplaying with other players
- Implemented a system to help prevent cheating for experience
- Combat skills are now correctly removed upon recreation
- Levels and stats are now correctly docked by up to 8 levels if you're above level 50
- NPCs stop targeting players when they've been out of range for a while
- Implemented Gold Rings which allow auto-collects any loot in a four block radius when worn
- Fixed a density issue on lights
- Gold Rings can now be crafted by players with a smithing level higher than 5
- Donesquian Soldier's no longer attack unprovoked
- Finance and Till jobs can now be interacted by double clicking them
- Implemented a new ability (Generate Identity)
- Generate Identity now allows you to choose between male or female and generates a random temporary identity for you
- Implemented a new ability (Assume Identity) which allows you to transition in and out of your generated identity, meaning you can change at any time but also keep it consistent if you so choose
- King of Donesque and Donesque Descendant now have Generate Identity and Assume Identity
- The Mitsune ability Leap can now be toggled on and off
- Fixed the bug in which players could use Leap to enter items and mobs
- Bronze Bars can now be made by all players
- Mitsunes now receive control over their form at level 50
- Leap now has some visual effects
- Mitsunes will no longer retain their Mitsune form powers when in their human form
- Implemented player stores in Donesque which operate using Gold Coins in Earth
- The Pawn Merchant in Donesque now works correctly and effeciently
- Gold Rings no longer cause client-side lag when worn
- Nature Teleport Place now allows you to teleport to Hethalone
- Updated sensing so that it works more efficiently
- All quest NPC interactions have been fixed
- The Herb Shop in China Town has been reinstated and now works
- Mitsunes are no longer able to leap when in their mortal form
- Missandra now correctly gives the natural infusion to players who earn it during the Sister Realms questline
- Your health now increases as your max health does, meaning you don't lose health when levelling.
- Block Teleport is now available to all players
- If a player has block teleport on, no-one stronger than them can teleport to them
- Blocking yourself from being sensed now also prevents players from having clairvoyant visions of you
- Players will stop gaining levels by killing NPCs at level 60, and will depend entirely on RPing for exp.
- Remodelled the Hethalone Realm
- Added 12 player houses to the Hethalone Realm
- Hethalone houses can now be locked
- Added 6 player stores to the Hethalone realm
- Added a Chapel to the Hethalone Realm
- Fixed several bugs impacting players, including bugged locations and echo form issues
- Added a new ability (Conjure)
- Added a new ability (Call Ghosts)
- Added a new ability (Craft Voodoo Doll)
- Implemented Poppets which Voodoo Sorcers can use to create Voodoo Dolls along with a lock of the player's hair
- Players can now 'Pierce' their voodoo dolls, causing damage to their target
- Players can now 'Protect' their voodoo dolls, casting a shield over their target
- Players can now 'Repair' their voodoo dolls, healing a quarter of their health
- Voodoo dolls now have a cooldown between interactions
- Voodoo Sorcerers are now playable as both Good and Evil
- Voodoo dolls now require an RP Status of 2 or higher to use
![]() Jan 21 2020, 3:07 am