I'm trying to implement a day/night cycle in to my game.

During the day, the map is well lit and the chat output, stat panels, etc have a light background and dark text.

At night the map gets darker and the chat and the stat panels get a dark background with light colored text.

I'm having an issue though.

When I winset the background colors, any image resources that the players have seen in chat, like a chat avatar, if it has any transparency to it, the resource breaks. It just displays as a blank image from that point forward. Reverting the background color will not fix the resource. The only way to see that image again is to reconnect.

Is there a way to avoid this issue?

Im considering having the game's chat creating a day output and a night output and then just changing which of the 2 chats is displayed at night/day. But this is going to involve a ton of updates to basically every output line in the game.