
Now, this'd've been more suitable for the blogs when they were around, but they aren't around anymore so suck it.

If anyone remembers, in a time long, long ago, in the immeasurable distant ages of the old internet (maybe back in March or April?) I was working on a Javascript game engine utilizing the features of HTML5. That engine is called Orrery, and I've gotten back into working on it, rewriting it to work a little more nicely. I'm finally at the point where I can draw neat things!

For example, this, which I think looks pretty neat. :D

Everything in that is algorithmically-generated. There is no manual drawing of any of the polygons. In fact, this is the code I use to draw it.

var angle = Math.PI / 360 * 24;
var scale = 4;

var second_angle = 0;
var translate_x = 0;
var translate_y = 0;
setInterval( function () {
angle += Math.PI / 360;

second_angle += Math.PI / 360;
translate_x += Math.PI / 720;
translate_y += Math.PI / 720;

var dx = 5 * Math.sin(translate_x);
var dy = 15 * Math.sin(translate_y);

Canvas.Draw.Translate(dx, dy);
Canvas.Draw.Rotate(Math.PI * Math.cos(second_angle) / 180);
Canvas.Draw.Translate(-dx, -dy);

Canvas.Draw.Polygon(40, -40, 12, 66 * scale, angle * 4, { FillColor : '#100000' });
Canvas.Draw.Polygon(40, -40, 11, 58 * scale, -angle * 2, { FillColor : '#321000' });
Canvas.Draw.Polygon(40, -40, 10, 50 * scale, angle , { FillColor : '#543210' });
Canvas.Draw.Polygon(40, -40, 9, 42 * scale, -angle / 2, { FillColor : '#765432' });
Canvas.Draw.Polygon(40, -40, 8, 34 * scale, angle / 3, { FillColor : '#987654' });
Canvas.Draw.Polygon(40, -40, 7, 26 * scale, -angle / 4, { FillColor : '#BA9876' });
Canvas.Draw.Polygon(40, -40, 6, 18 * scale, angle / 5, { FillColor : '#DCBA98' });
Canvas.Draw.Polygon(40, -40, 5, 10 * scale, -angle / 6, { FillColor : '#FEDCBA' });
}, 1);

Thus, I can basically scale it and increase its rotation speed and direction with just a few changes in the code (And I'm also getting, in theory, about 1000 FPS. In practice, it's about 85 FPS and I'm just telling the canvas to update as fast as possible). I've basically just finished working on my code for drawing basic figures (squares, rectangles, parallelograms, ellipses, circles, and regular n-sided polygons), and may just implement some other simple line-and-figure drawing, and maybe a way to draw a convex hull.

So, yeah. That's what I've been doing lately.


That's awesome, Fizz!
That's very neat, Fizzy. I was actually about to ask you if you've been working on this recently. Did you scrap the tile-based drawing and whatnot, or is that still there? I also noticed a general lack of debugging information, though I bet that's just because this is a demo. Keep me up to date, I was really interested in this.
In response to Hiro the Dragon King
Well, the engine will be geared towards tile-based systems, though with a custom tile size. This is just a test/demo of the drawing methods that the engine supports by default. Currently, there's not even support for input handling (which is what I'm tackling next) and no way of drawing a map. Once I can actually start to draw from a map and take user input, then I'll get to the point where diagnostic output is useful.