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Status: Open

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So, when the map control zoom parameter is at 0, it stretches to fit available space. But you can't get that information back nor set the stretching manually.

I'd like to be able to use winget to see how much it stretched to, like "1.21341x1.6135" for width and height for instance. Using an winget to a zoom=0 right now returns 0. Doing so and allowing me to set a two-axis value will allow me to round the already existing value to the nearest 0.1 so that I get smoother zoom levels, since I indeed use the parameter at 0, making me able to turn the example value to "1.25x1.65" or something of the sort.
This sounds like going about it backwards. What you really want is to read the map control's size and use that to calculate a good zoom.
In response to Lummox JR
Thing is I can't calculate what the zoom would be as good as the paramater at 0 does by itself. I just want to get this value and perfect it a little bit more.
Of course you can calculate it. Knowing the size of the control, and the size of your map in pixels, it's a simple division (x and y separately) followed by min/max and a round.
In response to Lummox JR
I have both of these values but were dividing them without separateing x and y, getting high values for the zoom.

If you don't mind answering, what do you mean by separating them? Dividing x control / x map, y control / y map then what? What abou the min/max usage there? Kinda got lost. Thanks.
Yes, exactly: divide the control's x by the actual x pixels you're using, and same for y. Then you would take either the min or max of those two divided values, depending on whether you want letterboxing or not. Finally you'd round() the result however you wanted. If you want to avoid letterboxing entirely, you'd also want to be sure you rounded up.

To round up to a multiple of 0.25:

n = round(-n / 0.25) * 0.25