We're now six days out from Thanksgiving, and it's been a week of painstaking bug stalking to get into the guts of the code. A turkey shoot, if you will, only I was the turkey and came out on top.
Last week I fished a crash related to the dynamic DMI icon format used for client-side icon processing. Interestingly, although that didn't fix the longtime issue some SS13 players have had on certain servers, it did help light the way. That, and a lot of help from NethIafins who was able to get enough stack trace information to point to promising leads on how to finally tackle this thing, and who tested the fixes.
513.1499 got part of the way, but there still appeared to be some cases where the crasher still occurred. SS13 being SS13, this was simply due to the sheer number of icons and the chaos of the map on a busy server making the kinds of icon operations that could trigger this far more likely. After more intensive debugging and throwing a hail-Mary pass, I finally found the solution and this crasher should be kaput in 513.1500. That's why I put out that release today, not worrying about the Friday curse.
On a side topic, in a recent release I added a "Host" option to the file associations for .dmb files. There was already an "Open" command for Dream Seeker, so "Host" opens the file in Dream Daemon.
I'd like to thank those of you who stepped up to help BYOND so far this month. The fundometer is still hurting so if you're not one of those yet, please consider throwing in the spare change to help keep the lights on; it doesn't take much at all. Besides Membership, support options are also available on Patreon and SubscribeStar if you'd rather go that route.
But on to lighter matters! Next week will be a short week for development because of the holiday, but it's also a good time to play with new features in your games and make something ready to play while you're taking a much-needed break from extended family. And come Thursday, it's time to loosen your pants and get your parade and/or football on.
![]() Nov 22 2019, 10:29 am