
by UnknownHobbit
This is a roleplaying game inspired by Generations.
Status: Open

Issue hasn't been assigned a status value.
I've seen a lot of people complaining that RP in the afterlife can be stale for one side due to the interaction kais get with souls first. So after reading/seeing a few complaints I wanted to list two personal suggestions that might make everyone involved more happy.

Demons dislike that they are trapped in hell. They also dislike that souls go through Kai's first and can get persuaded to never go into hell. The best solution I can come up with is to rework the barrier.

No longer limiting the demons to hell but instead it limits souls to the Checkpoint in which the guardian has to grant that soul access to either hell or heaven. Once access is granted and they enter they cannot leave. This makes the checkpoint a neutral ground and souls get separated on entering and can't metagame running into hell or heaven.

Now if that seems unfavorable then keep the barrier to hell for demons as well but additionally add the one that stops souls from entering heaven or hell until judged. While giving a verb to admins that removes the barrier for demons. Kai's or Demon's can eventually remove the barrier through RP. This would be the less favored one by those that complain but still give them the potential for what they want later on in the wipe.

Checkpoint Guardian with these changes would be significantly better off and more well defined as a rank. Currently it is rather lackluster. The one exception for souls could be those with a body, having a body could grant them the ability to bypass the barrier against souls.

All in all this is a simple suggestion, not everyone will agree with it but it would drastically change the way the AL works. Which isn't entirely a bad thing.
Here's the thing, This still puts a lot of "influence" on Kais to yanno, effect the CPG's ability to send Souls to all the planes of existence.

My issue with the whole barrier is that Demons aren't allowed to cross it AT ALL, yet you're allowed to bring souls out of the barrier. However I think something that could resolve this issue, would be if Kais/Souls given body could cross the barrier freely, long as their aura wasn't evil to end up them getting trapped by the barrier. This means that Demons now have an interest in luring a soul and getting them their body to get their free ticket out of hell for the start of the wipe, but also knowing that their efforts could be reversed by the Kai/CPG.
In response to Manly-pink
Yeah, I kinda like the second suggestion more with the barrier being a toggle for admins. Early game I think Kais and Demons should be separated. I also think Souls should be easier to lock down though. CPG can be ignored as it stands currently, which shouldn't be the case.

Locking souls down, while adding the option for demons to get out and gain access to Checkpoint eventually. Those with bodies naturally aren't souls anymore so they can bypass the soul barriers. It would bring more RP in general this way.
I like this idea.

I think the CPG should have options of lockdowns for different situations.

Toggle Manual lockdown (where he blocks one person from going entering Heaven and Hell and another option to not leave the CPG at all)

Toggle Lockdown (where he blocks heaven and hell off and another option to block off pass the CPG to all. )

Allow Soul Access (literally allowing them to go either pass to CPG, heaven or hell)

Those with bodies can bypass unless the CPG stops you from doing so cause he is the king of the domain.
This puts too much mechanical dependency on a rank held by 1 person who can't be online 24/7. Though, I can get behind the idea that demons can leave hell. Hell sucks, but that's why bad souls go there, to be punished. The punishers shouldn't suffer.
Why not make it so demons can pass through to the checkpoint? Or do the hilarious choice of making 1 kai and 1 demon act as Guardians to persuade souls to join their domains.(Jokes aside)

They're the wardens of Hell and oversee all of the evil/corrupted beings who have died, or should do so. That being said, there should be perks/benefits for Demons in Hell to help them maintain the 'pecking order' down there. It is their domain, and they should have their Demonic Presence empowered down there to be able to deal with rowdy souls, or anyone who tries to, well, go against any of the demons in hell.

This not only helps give demons a reason to prefer being in hell, but it also lets them feel less stuck by giving them a smaller degree of rp freedom in the AL. It's not like the kai will wish to keep corrupted/evil souls outside of hell, without reason at least. And the Kai/Demons should at least have some of understanding that they have to live with the fact they actually work together, but it doesn't mean they have to like it.