so how many kickass elements of my room can YOU identify in these pictures?
example: a "where the wild things are" action figure hanging from a thumbtack next to the clock
Monies, Led Zepplin, your Bong, Cheech and Chong's Up in Smoke, verticle blinds, some... comicy-looking things around the window, pait, a cheap clock, some pictures of chicks....
Yeah, Yactics has always been proud of the same of his bong. :D
hey, that clock aint cheap! thats a satellite-guided auto-updating atomic clock! ;) very good though. the comics most visible in the picture are actually the 4 original "marvel masterpiece" series, and i dont know what "pait" is? did you mean... paint? like as in, the walls are painted?
p.s. that cheech and chong poster is framed because its an original movie poster my dad won from the radio in 1978!