Warning: Pointless rebuttal to something none of you have seen. Warning: Anti-religious sentiments. Warning: Semi BYONDrama-ish and generally silly.

Really, this is the sort of thing that we need a "Don't put on front page" checkbox for, but as we don't, I'll just have to slightly pollute the member's page.

Anyway, this is a response to Orion Coron's fairly braindead post about "OH NOEZ, THE EVIL ATHEIST CONSPIRICY IS TRYING TO PUSH CHRIST OUT OF CHRISTMAS".

As I have now been blocked from Orion's blog (Presumably for 'dissing' his beliefs and views. Any rational argument counts as an insult to a True Christian), and have been told to take it to mine, I'm doing so (Note that the following is US-centric, because that's where Orion lives, I believe)

The main problem Orion has is this massive persecution complex - like many fundamentalist Christians, he has this idea that the entire world is out to get him and his beliefs. In fact, me pointing out that Christmas is very much stolen from several pagan festivals - Yule, Saturnalia and Sol Invictus being the biggest - is apparently persecution. Orion really needs a dictionary.

When it was pointed out to him that roughly 80% of the US is Christian (In 2001, at least), he then fell back on the good old No True Scotsman method of claiming that only his very select group of True Christians are real Christians, which, of course, means the rest are evil atheistic conspirators. And communists.

This is quite clearly ridiculous. Yes, there's likely to be a fair number of people that don't really believe, but answer that they're Christian to a telephone poll - but these aren't going to be the sort of people that give a damn about religion, because the people that give a damn are fairly firm on their particular ground. You're not going to be persecuted (on religious grounds) by people who don't care about religion. And the number isn't going to be anywhere near the ridiculous number it would have to be to put atheists anywhere near the majority - unless Orion thinks that a little over 60% of Americans claim they're Christian when they really aren't. He's the fundy, I suppose, so that level of inanity can't be completely ruled out. But to anybody with even a tenuous connection to reality, that's a patently ridiculous idea.

He then proceeds to suggest that the particular sects of Christianity lower the numbers enough to make persecution possible. Well, yes - various denominations of Christianity have persecuted other denominations of Christianity throughout history. Often in spectacularly violent and bloody fashions - and not just in England, too. This sort of thing in America led to the original idea of separation of church and state.

But given that various denominations aren't exactly at each other's throats to the same extent nowadays, and given that it's all big-endian versus little-endian, I somehow doubt that his particular denomination is going to be receiving stuff that's on the level of persecution. Orion has massive problems of scale if he thinks someone arguing with him on a website counts as persecution.

He does point out that various denominations are smaller then the atheist/agnostic/no religion contingent, which is indeed true - most denominations have less then the 15% or so for the irreligious group. But given that that 15% includes agnostics, who aren't, as a whole, known for being exceptionally vicious or persecutory, and given that there's absolutely no credible evidence to suggest that the small group of vocal atheists in that 15% are actually, you know, doing anything discriminatory in nature, it's all hogwash. And it's not like there are many atheists in public office - admitting to being a muslim makes winning a seat in the American congress difficult - and leads to outraged discussion over being sworn in over the Qu'ran - imagine the uproar if an atheist tried to get in. Several US states actually have laws still on the books that prohibit an (honest) atheist from gaining public office - of course, they're unenforceable, but that they still exist says something rather interesting about the states in question. In some cases, it's even in the states constitution. Imagine if there was a law banning black people, or Catholics, or some other group from gaining public office! That would die an extremely quick death. But one against atheists? Fine, go ahead. This is not indicative of atheists persecuting people. Quite the opposite, in fact.

You live in a country where several states can actually put creationism in their educational syllabi - and when creationism got struck down, they just moved to 'intelligent design', which is Creationism wearing Groucho Marx glasses. Your president makes repeated public appeals to his religion, and did so in order to get elected. He bases policy decisions - on abortion, on stem cell research, on everything - on his religion. How can you claim that is persecution of Christianity?

Churches are able to blatantly break the law and get away with it - then they cite religious freedom to get away with it, a tremendous piece of equivocation there. Churches can get tax-exempt status in the United States - despite earning ridiculous quantities of money, in some cases. They're even not subject to the same level of scrutiny as other non-profit organisations (At least, according to the IRS). And most churches are decidedly for-profit.

You live in a country where George Bush (senior) can say "No, I don't know that atheists should be considered as citizens, nor should they be considered patriots. This is one nation under God." (Free Inquiry magazine, Autumn 1988, Volume 8, Number 4, page 16), and you think that you're persecuted against? I'm continually thankful I don't live in America, home of the free - and home of the fundamentalist nutcase. Christmas is perfectly safe.

You are not being persecuted against. Stop being ridiculous.

People have a lot to learn. Most non-christians have not oa clue of what Christianity is about.

Good thing I was raised Catholic, then, isn't it?

Have you noticed that I have not deleted one single thread, hmmm? Or banned people from posting on my thread, hmm? That there is shard and single proof that if I was single minded and only thought about religion and did not give respect to other beliefs and what they say, I would have deleted them. Thus prooving that I am more open minded then you know.

Pity that I'm banned. Oops.

A. go to a church and really see how and what a church is like. B. go to sosome tolerance classes and understand religion and other various things and finally C. Shut your mouth and don't say another word till you can fully comprehend what a Christian is.

Really? What is Christianity?

Judging from your reactions and the activities of Christianity in America, I can conclude that Christianity consists of poking your nose into the private business of others, raising hell about homosexuals, abortion, atheists, or imagined threats to your religion, and jubilant calls that your opponents are doomed to eternal hellfire.

The Bible pretty much justifies that one, too. Where else can genocide be considered a good and moral thing?

I wanted this thread to be extremely proper and in respect for Christmas and Christians plus our beliefs but of course like how it is in the world, we will always have obstacles or problems with non-christians to cause chaos in things where they should not stick their bussiness into.

I've already demonstrated that Christianity has, by far, a massive grip on the American public - you've hardly got non-christian problems there. As for the thread - guess what! If you allow comments, people will comment. If they want to comment on the general idiocy you display, they will! Congratulations, welcome to the Internets!

Yes, we all have freedom of speech and freedom to say things, however in the lines of that is to respect us as Christians.

This is complete bull-puckey. Freedom of speech means you can say what you want, basically. Some limits on 'hate speech' - that is, calling for violence against Christians (Or any other group), etc., is legislated against, but there's no need for me to respect your ridiculous, whacked-out opinions in any way, shape, or form.

All you had to do (meaning you plus the others downgrading this post) was to simply leave it alone and let people that have a postive aditude to speak here. Yes Jp stated things of what they think Christmas is like. We don't care. That is not what this topic was about.

I didn't want to leave. I wanted to argue. Didn't want an argument? Shouldn't have allowed comments, then.

Additionally, I am now plural. Resistance is futile. You will be assimilated, and your technological and biological distinctiveness will be added to our own.

I wanted for all Christians on BYOND to remember. I am also very tired of how you twist my words plus the other Christians byond'ers that have posted here to make it look like were wrong.

Oh, I don't need to twist words. They're quite wrong enough on their own.

Additionally, please don't abuse the apostrophe. Every time you misuse the apostrophe, the invisible sky fairy kills a kitten. Please think of the kittens.

AS for Jp, I said I was sorry, but you still continue with downgrading. You took my words out of context and used them against me. Now if you fit more of what I wrote instead of taking a few words out in sections, then everything what you said would be a different story.

No, not really.

Actully those numbers are false. 80% of America are thought to be Christians. There is a difference from a family that says their a "Christian" and forces it onto their children when simply their just using it as a title really and don't use it strongly which then is compared to a person that takes Christianity to heart and enjoys to use it from their heart strongly for their daily values and actions and are truely devoted.

I have addressed this already.

Most of the children population of America are in fact Atheist. In school, their are only like 1/4 of children that are seriously devoted to their religion. Those numbers may be less.

This is complete and utter crap. If the statistics don't fit, make up more statistics!

Good to see my suspicions confirmed, though - Orion is an indoctrinated child. Of course, I'm only 17, so I can't exactly look down on him for the 'child' bit.

The two major divisions are Protestants and Catholics. You also have the Jehovas Witness plus other smaller organization of chruches. Christianity has lost a lot of people since the days of the enlightenment because people think, well in order to believe I need fact or need to see it.

Tada! You've discovered empiricism!

Funnily enough, accepting something without any evidence is generally considered extremely stupid. Unless we're talking about religion.

Maybe I would stop feeling persecuted if you would stop saying stuff to begin with. Maybe I feel persecuted cause your words and how you twist them to make it look like your right using fact is really hidden to be downgrading.

This is where we get the lovely idea that being told you're wrong over the Internet, on a public forum, is persecution.

Possibly you need to broaden your horizons, Orion. Christians are not prevented from gaining public office. They are not arrested. They are not killed. They are not required to wear some sort of identifying mark. (...By virtue of Christianity alone, of course)

You're not persecuted in the slightest.

Their are countless more. Then you have Catholics, then Jahovas Witness plus even cults

Christianity is a cult. So is any religion. They're just a large cult.

You said Atheist make up, about 10-15% of America, I believe

Atheists/agnostics/people that don't care and say it make up roughly 10-15% of America, depending on the poll you look at, yes.

You should understand these numbers a little bit and understand that wer are not as a whole.

You all believe in the Sky Fairy, and you all think Jesus was the Messiah.

The rest is all nitpicking.

And that is more of downgrading. Persecution. Now you wonder why I feel persecuted cause you continue to write more of those comments. That right there is a comment/statment, that persecutes Christians saying we have no foundation and our beliefs are therefore flawed.

Once again, Orion is extremely deluded when it comes to persecution. I merely pointed out that I was constructing a logical argument, and that if this was 'shattering' the beliefs of Christians, then Christians have extremely weak beliefs.

Also, I used the word 'some'. As in 'some Christians'. Please understand what that meant. I mean, it wasn't a difficult sentence to parse.

A foudnation means that you have organized thoughts thus by your statement, you are stating that our beliefs are flawed. That is called intolerance, if I may add.

No, that's not intolerance. Stating that your beliefs are flawed is called 'the basis of having one set of ideas rather then another set of ideas'. Intolerance would be calling for you to be banned from public office, or refusing to associate with somebody purely because they are Christian.

There follows an extremely muddled section where Orion discusses how evangelism is good but bad and springs from fear and we don't want atheist get hurt our beliefs.

He then dismisses a sarcastic statement I made - basically, pointing out to him that a multiplicity of atheists on BYOND doesn't mean we're out to get anyone in particular - by saying that he knows atheists IRL. Yes, I'm aware of this. You should investigate the use of hyperbole and sarcasm as a rhetorical device - you may find it useful. Well, once you can spell. And use correct grammar. It won't be as effective until then.

Bottom line, am i correct? You didn't like what I wrote so you wanted to proove me wrong, am I correct?

Ummm... yes? I'm not sure why this is presented as a major victory. I thought you said something stupid, so I wanted to correct it.

Ummm... yes..... I don't see precisely where you're going with that. Yes, facts are 'thought up'. So is, y'know, everything that anybody knows? Well, except for fundamentalist religion - no thought goes into that.

See, that is being single minded, when you say no thought has went into religion. Their are in fact christian scientist that study religion and the bible to compare with things on the planet.

Orion, if you look at my quote, you'll see the word 'fundamentalist' before 'religion'. This is something we call an 'adjective'. It modifies a noun - in this case 'religion'. I did not say no thought goes into religion in general. No, I was sarcastically attacking fundamentalist idiots - like the 'christian scientists' you mentioned who try to shoehorn biblical verses into their cherry-picked 'evidence'.

Actully, it will not continue in this thread. Just simply that statement shows you are bias and like to try to cause harm to people and tare apart threads, that is what makes you wrong.


Heh, that day will never come for that time is drawing near.

You just keep expecting the Rapture, there, sonny. Never mind that every time it has ever been predicted to occur in history, the world has continued on roughly as before.

The second coming is nearly 2000 years late by now. Give up - Jesus isn't coming back for you. He never existed in the first place.

Mithracism... I have aboslutly no comment for that. Christianity started out from Judiasm beliefs and were added on thus having the New Testament.

Yes. Mithraism. Worship of the god Mithras, who had several significant similarities with the concept of Jesus - the whole 'born from a virgin' thing, birthday on December 25th, son of God, mediator between God and Man, etc.

Basically, Jesus by another name. And he predates Christianity. Whoops.

Well, at least we know who is right and is wrong in the matter.

Glad we agree on something. ;)

That has nothing to do with it. Its my page, I say what I want on Christmas. It is called freedom of speech by the way since you did say we can say w/e we want on the internet, which in reality, you can't. You now what, I was standing up for Christianity and doing what was right that I felt in my heart. And this was had nothing to do with converting at all.

I didn't actually say that you can say whatever you want on the internet, and it was simple grandstanding - look at me, I'm a big Christian! Don't let the evil homosexual atheist communist leftist liberal pinko pro-lifers kill Christmas!

I know in my heart I did was right and you can say w/e you want. It doesnt harm me, it simply passes by like nothing happened. From this experienced alone I have learned more of who I am and what I will do for the future to make sure intolerance will try to be different.

You've learnt nothing. You know what you're feeling, deep down, in your heart? We call that 'indigestion'.

AS I have said, you have taken my words and twisted them around in such a way to make things look the oposite of what they really are. If you want to go and downgrade religion and such, go do it on your page if you must, but this downgrading is down starting now.

That's a good idea. I'll take my rational argument against your ridiculous ideas, and put it somewhere where you can't moderate it. The word-twisting is especially fun.

Have a nice read, my hapless victim!
All you have to do is say "fuck" and it's off the main page.
There is that.
It seems I'm blocked from his blog as well, if that's anything.

Also, I have one thing to say: lol @ Christian fundamentalists.
Hey I've been blocked to! Now me and fizzy finally have some common ground :)
I would have complained about wasting 10 minutes of my life on this (after all, I don't need anyone else to show me how Christians are stupid), but I would have just ended up wasting it anyway. :p

I take my above statement back- thanks for the link to that daylight atheist place!
Your blocked now cause I no longer want anymore of your bull crap. What was written was not up for arguement. You made it into one. Just because you are maybe not happy with your life and you need to try and harm others (which I may add you fail to do with me and probably most of the time in life)Just stop trying to attack people and trying to downgrade them. Seeing as if you must care about this since you went to all this trouble to post a huge topic to try and make you right and others wrong. Well, argueing is pointless especailly online because people will argue till the world ends.

Anyway, this is a response to Orion Coron's fairly braindead post about "OH NOEZ, THE EVIL ATHEIST CONSPIRICY IS TRYING TO PUSH CHRIST OUT OF CHRISTMAS".

You should know that my thread was not for atheist. It was for Christians. You also should know that I had not mentioned one word about atheists pushing Christ out of Christmas in my beggining post and not at all in my entire posts on that subject. That I call their is creating and stiring lies.

When it was pointed out to him that roughly 80% of the US is Christian (In 2001, at least), he then fell back on the good old No True Scotsman method of claiming that only his very select group of True Christians are real Christians, which, of course, means the rest are evil atheistic conspirators. And communists.

Funny. I never said their are only a certain amount of true christians that are supposly in my "group". I also never said the rest are atheist or communists. Its funny how you weave in these created thoughts of yours to fit in with what I wrote to make people think and overlook that I said that when in reality you said that, not me. There are more of this for a fact of course by shown in statistics. Heres a lil inside scoop for you. Atheist have more rights then we do and it is a proven fact. I can remember on television about kids speaking or saying even the word God in school or in more detailed of their religion, and they either get in trouble or yelled at and critizied for their views. Right there breaks the first admendment (which is American so even though I write this may not matter to the other people in the world) which is freedom of the press, freedom of speech and freedom of religion. Two of the major things were violated: Freedom of speech and religion. The kids have been silenced or put down for what has been said. This is growing far more out of control. Christians might be in greater numbers, but however, you have the more rights thus making you able to get away with things. That there is just one example.

You are not being persecuted against. Stop being ridiculous.

You came right in and did that very thing. Whos to say that happens 24/7. I only said that you and your fellow people that came in and turned it into a arguement did that very thing.

Yes. Mithraism. Worship of the god Mithras, who had several significant similarities with the concept of Jesus - the whole 'born from a virgin' thing, birthday on December 25th, son of God, mediator between God and Man, etc.

Basically, Jesus by another name. And he predates Christianity. Whoops.

Heres a little insider for you. Judiasm if you look at has very similar aspects to other religions. If you happen to notice, Islam is very similar including culture standards. Plus if you have a little Bible knowledge, the man Abraham, he was the man that would become father of many nations. His people were Jewish. If you happen to notice, when people break apart from other cultures, they will have similarities, thus making your statement true. Jewish already believed in all of those way before Jesus came. Jewish have also been around much longer which leads to your statement being in fact both right and wrong. Yes they have similarities but does that mean Christianity copied off that religion. Answer is no. My statement simply prooves that Christianity is solely based off of Judiasm which all religions of the world are similar in some aspects.

Most of the children population of America are in fact Atheist. In school, their are only like 1/4 of children that are seriously devoted to their religion. Those numbers may be less.

This is complete and utter crap. If the statistics don't fit, make up more statistics!

Good to see my suspicions confirmed, though - Orion is an indoctrinated child. Of course, I'm only 17, so I can't exactly look down on him for the 'child' bit.

Not crap at all. Most of the kids at school are either atheist or forced to believe by their parents and are forced to go to church and religion classes. Most hate it plus the religion. Also, sorry to burst your bubble, I am turning 17 this year. :p

Judging from your reactions and the activities of Christianity in America, I can conclude that Christianity consists of poking your nose into the private business of others, raising hell about homosexuals, abortion, atheists, or imagined threats to your religion, and jubilant calls that your opponents are doomed to eternal hellfire.

Who said I ever said such a thing? Yes I think abortion is wrong and same with homsexuals but does it mean I go and start battering down someone for their words or even for that matter my church. Those are Christians that are strongly hardcored and think its ok to go to the next level and harm people and start poking their noses into those types of things and having things to say. Yes, we are allowed to speak up whats on our mind, but do I go to say a homosexual and critizise them? The answer is no. My philosophy is, its what they are or what they chose to do, just leave me out of it and everything is fine. God says love all no matter who they are, and thats what I do. I don't prosecute people and put them down, especially homosexuals for that. I treat them with respect as long as they treat me with respect. Christians are concerned with atheist cause like I said before, their afraid. Based on our beliefs they are afraid and don't want you to suffer for not following. But their is a thing called free will and that is something I strongly repsect. Not my duty or even my right to force you nor would I even want to. I respect free will, but that is why many Christians act out against Atheist in many ways because of fear which leads to anger which can lead to harm or hurt to one anothers. In reality, if you hear or see a Christian possibly lashing out or saying something to you or other atheist, that is simply because fear has taken them over and that fear turns to anger which is hard to control in many cases, for both Christians and non-christians, basically showing we are all human beings. Try and understand that even though some Christians may act like they are better then others and higher then others, in reality were equally the same as you. We are both human beings. Just brush that type of nonsense off for that I soley don't believe I am higher then anyone else. We all have flaws in each and one of us.

One thing I want to point out is Christianity has much proof. More then what you think. Look in the Bible, and you will find answers. That is if you are willing enough to push yourself and try something else to learn something else or discover something.

I will give you one example from the Bible. Just recently on the news, there is this chip. This chip will be replace all curencies plus credit cards. Actully in fact it is the next step from a credit card. The chip will be very small. It will be either placed in the right hand finger or in the forhead. Since it will replace all curencies in the world it is the only thing to buy or sell with. Sounds like a good thing doesnt it? Well. Over 2,000 years ago, a prophet prophizied about this very thing. In the Bible if you are able to understand it because of how it is written can be very confusing indeed. I have many troubles to understand it as my mother does. However, if you look closly and pick out some words and so on, it says every single thing. They refer to it as the mark, or the mark of the beast (Satan). That is 666. That chip represents the mark. Now they said right in the Bible, There will be a time when you can only buy or sell if you have the mark of the beast. They also say right in there it will be either on the right hand finger or the forhead, just like what is announced. Its all in the Bible. One more quick one is, where they prophezied all the harsh natural disasters. There are statistics that show that natural disasters have increased in last 100 years greatly. In the bible, it tells of a time where incredible and disaterous nautral disasters will hit the Earth. Causing lives to be lost. Statistics also show that in about the last 100 years have increased in the amount of deaths from natural disasters.

Like I said, proof is all around, if you both know where to look for it and are willing to look for it and learn about it.
Argh, I can't believe I missed this particular comment for this long. Another treasure-trove of ironic humour, mixed in with a steaming pile of gobbledygook.

Your blocked now cause I no longer want anymore of your bull crap.

Which suggests that you're not particularly 'open minded', doesn't it? You can't have think 'open-mindedness' is a virtue. Having a closed mind is bad, but having an open mind - where anyone can come along and shove whatever pseudoscientific crap they want in there - that's worse. Far better is to have an empirical mind. A filtered mind. One that will take in new ideas and displace old ones, but only if the new idea is better evidenced then the old one.

What was written was not up for arguement.

I imagine that's because it couldn't stand up to argument.

Sounds like you don't have a closed mind to me.

Just because you are maybe not happy with your life

Mmmmm, projection.

I'm quite happy with my life. I'm in tertiary education studying something I want to study, I'm in a relationship with an intelligent, beautiful woman, and I don't have any major problems in my life right now. Quite frankly, it couldn't get much better.

Just because you live under the crushing weight of guilt of your religion doesn't mean you need to ignore everyone that tells you it's false!

(See what I did there?)

you need to try and harm others (which I may add you fail to do with me and probably most of the time in life)

I'm afraid you've misunderstood what I'm doing. If you look closely, you'll note that I'm mostly attacking your ideas (Well, your parent's/priest's ideas, but let's not get into that), rather then you (Although you do cop some flak. You're too amusing not to. Schadenfraude, making the world a better place to be!). Essentially, I'm trying to demonstrate to you that you're wrong and should revise your understanding - I'm doing a favour for you, just like a teacher does you a favour when they mark your essays or what-have-you.

Oh, and the sideswipe idea that I fail at life is quite amusing. I've even got two certificates in my room that read "James Picone - Winner". That's right, I'm a certified winner! Can YOU beat that?

Just stop trying to attack people and trying to downgrade them.

Awww, but it's fun! And if I downgrade two more people, I qualify for the next step on the Atheist Society's loyalty program!

Seeing as if you must care about this since you went to all this trouble to post a huge topic to try and make you right and others wrong.

Ummmmm... this isn't a sentence. It doesn't make any sense. And don't worry yourself - it's not much trouble. I quite enjoy it, to tell you the truth. Of course, I'm a sadist like that. I must be, I'm an atheist!

Well, argueing is pointless especailly online because people will argue till the world ends.

Best. Logic. Ever.

"Sex is pointless because people will engage in sexual intercourse until the world ends"

"Trying to spread democracy is pointless because people will set up dictatorships until the world ends"

"Playing/writing games is pointless because people will play/write games until the world ends"

You should know that my thread was not for atheist. It was for Christians.

That's nice. Actually, I didn't, because you didn't actually say anything like "This thread is for christians ATHEISTS MUST FIND HAPLESS FOOLS ELSEWHERE" in the post. Regardless, it's considered standard that when you make a comment in public, members of the public will comment on it. You should have been aware of that.

You also should know that I had not mentioned one word about atheists pushing Christ out of Christmas in my beggining post and not at all in my entire posts on that subject. That I call their is creating and stiring lies.

Or possibly ironic hyperbole? Regardless, you were talking about how Christmas is somehow turning into not-Christmas, and 'atheist conspiricy' is generally implied whenever a nutty fundy makes some comment along those lines. It was, at the least, a justified assumption. I note that you haven't actually denied thinking that it's the Evil Atheist Conspiracy (From hereafter, referred to as EAC), you just said you didn't write that. I can't be bothered digging through walls of misspelt, grammatically-incorrect non-sequiturs in order to confirm that, so I'll take it as given. Aren't I nice?

Funny. I never said their are only a certain amount of true christians that are supposly in my "group"

[quote]"You also need to understand that Christian numbers dwindle every day, and that because the world is changing, people change along with. We may have more numbers in Christianity, however, like I said Christianity is divided. You have protestants, which are divided among smaller churches like Pentacostal, Methodist, Baptist, Lutheran, and so on. Their are countless more. Then you have Catholics, then Jahovas Witness plus even cults. That makes the Christianity numbers look much different. You said Atheist make up, about 10-15% of America, I believe. Well that number is almost extremely close to most of the Churches. All the churches have different views and cause conflicts which show that Christianity is sadly not as one. This shows that we are not the majority. I mean you have Catholics hate Protestants sadley. You should understand these numbers a little bit and understand that wer are not as a whole"[/quote]

Yes, you did. It's a similar line of argument. It's crap.

I also never said the rest are atheist or communists.

Ironic hyperbole. Please, please, PLEASE fix your irony meter.

Its funny how you weave in these created thoughts of yours to fit in with what I wrote to make people think and overlook that I said that when in reality you said that, not me.

Yes, it is funny. That's the point.

Heres a lil inside scoop for you. Atheist have more rights then we do and it is a proven fact.

No. Did you even click any of the links I have in my post? Several of those are fairly telling indicators of the level to which Christianity is unrestrained by the laws of America. You are not persecuted. Atheists do not somehow have 'more rights' then Christians.

I can remember on television about kids speaking or saying even the word God in school or in more detailed of their religion, and they either get in trouble or yelled at and critizied for their views.

Wow, a generic pseudo-reference to something you SAW ON TV! That proves everything!

(Just for Orion's benefit, that was sarcasm)

Right there breaks the first admendment (which is American so even though I write this may not matter to the other people in the world) which is freedom of the press, freedom of speech and freedom of religion.

Actually, only some of it does. If a kid got in trouble for just talking about his religion to someone else - say, a detention - that would break the first amendment. If the teacher criticised a religion in class, and didn't criticise others (Including atheism), then that would break the first amendment.

If a kid got criticised by some other kid for talking about christianity, that would be fine. If a kid got in trouble for evangelising in class time while people are trying to do something else, like learn science, that would be fine. There's a subtle line here - please figure out what it is.

The kids have been silenced or put down for what has been said. This is growing far more out of control. Christians might be in greater numbers, but however, you have the more rights thus making you able to get away with things. That there is just one example.

No. And it's not 'just one example'. It's not even half an example. It's an assertion. Do you know what an assertion is? Good boy.

You came right in and did that very thing. Whos to say that happens 24/7. I only said that you and your fellow people that came in and turned it into a arguement did that very thing.

I've already explained why arguing with someone in a public medium is not persecution. I won't go into that any further.

Pop and Lord of Light are not 'my fellow people'. I agree with them on some issues, and disagree on others. I quite like Pop as a person. But they're hardly sockpuppets following my will and going into Christian threads in order to 'downgrade' you, as you put it.

Furthermore, if you're in religious arguments 24/7, I suggest you get some more sleep. Or, well, some sleep. At all. Also, stop evangelising.

Heres a little insider for you. Judiasm if you look at has very similar aspects to other religions. If you happen to notice, Islam is very similar including culture standards.

That's because Judaism, Christianity and Islam all originated partially from the same set of beliefs. They all use the Old Testament, for example. It's a flawed comparison. A better one would be Hinduism and Judaism.

Plus if you have a little Bible knowledge

I've read it, if that counts. I thought the plot was unrealistic and characterisation lacking. Additionally, I'm not sure what the author was trying to do with that writing style, but it was confusing and should be ditched. Finally, it needed more comedy. I likes me a book with comedy.

If you happen to notice, when people break apart from other cultures, they will have similarities, thus making your statement true.

Unfortunately, Mithraicism probably came from Greece and was Roman in nature during the time period in question, rather then coming from the Jewish areas of the world. I'm afraid that argument won't hold water unless you presuppose the whole adam/eve thing, which would make you silly. Er.

Jewish already believed in all of those way before Jesus came.

The Jews believed a man called Jesus would be born of a virgin on the 25th, be worshipped in a ceremony called Christmas, and die to redeem their sins?

Wow. I never knew that. (Once again, this is sarcasm).

My statement simply prooves that Christianity is solely based off of Judiasm which all religions of the world are similar in some aspects.

Your statements proved nothing. Additionally, Buddhism. Hinduism. Taoism. Confucianism. Discordianism.


Not crap at all. Most of the kids at school are either atheist or forced to believe by their parents and are forced to go to church and religion classes.

Would you like to, you know, back that up? With evidence?

Also, sorry to burst your bubble, I am turning 17 this year.

Which makes you a child. Your point?

Who said I ever said such a thing?

I didn't ever say you did. I'm referring to the actions of Christianity as a whole, which seems to have an unhealthy obsession about what two consenting adults do in private.

Yes I think abortion is wrong and same with homsexuals but does it mean I go and start battering down someone for their words or even for that matter my church. Those are Christians that are strongly hardcored and think its ok to go to the next level and harm people and start poking their noses into those types of things and having things to say. Yes, we are allowed to speak up whats on our mind, but do I go to say a homosexual and critizise them? The answer is no. My philosophy is, its what they are or what they chose to do, just leave me out of it and everything is fine. God says love all no matter who they are, and thats what I do. I don't prosecute people and put them down, especially homosexuals for that. I treat them with respect as long as they treat me with respect.

Yes, yes, very nice. It's good to see you don't sue people. However, you're missing the point, which is that some extremely nasty things are done because of the ridiculous idea that an omnipotent, omniscient being cares what people do with their own bodies.

Just brush that type of nonsense off for that I soley don't believe I am higher then anyone else.

If you read closely, you'll note that I often brush off nonsense. I've gotten quite good at it.

One thing I want to point out is Christianity has much proof.


More then what you think.


Look in the Bible, and you will find answers.

Been there, done that, didn't get the answers, unfortunately. That's a pity, I was wondering whether it could solve the crushing existential angst I must labour under. I mean, atheist! (Now it's your turn, Orion! Can YOU figure out which parts of that are sarcasm and which aren't, using only contextual clues? You have twenty seconds)

That is if you are willing enough to push yourself and try something else to learn something else or discover something.

I generally do that by doing science, rather then musing about the philosophical speculations of a 1900-year old book written by fairly primitive people with no notion of ethics, morality, science, medicine, or anything else, really.

I will give you one example from the Bible. Just recently on the news, there is this chip. This chip will be replace all curencies plus credit cards.

Funny, I've been told about this one for years, but never heard about this chip. Sounds like sort of a neat idea, but the security problems posed are fairly numerous.

Since it will replace all curencies in the world it is the only thing to buy or sell with.

Because, of course, all countries will immediately say "Hey, spiffy technology, no need for currency anymore!", and won't need to give a name to the stuff they're passing back and forth. And all retailers don't give a damn about attracting the largest market sample possible, they'll just use expensive machinery to read a chip rather then take as many forms of payment as possible.

Well. Over 2,000 years ago, a prophet prophizied about this very thing.

Oh, really? Funny, that, because I don't see any references to microchips anywhere in the Bible. Or credit cards.

In the Bible if you are able to understand it because of how it is written can be very confusing indeed. I have many troubles to understand it as my mother does.

The way it's been translated through three or four languages does that to a text. Not to mention the way it's about sixty different books written by sixty different people in sixty different times all stuck together with the literary equivalent of masking tape. All the contradictions don't help much, too.

However, if you look closly and pick out some words and so on, it says every single thing.

Do you know what 'cherry-picking' and 'shoehorning' means in this context? I suggest you find out, because that's PRECISELY what you're doing.

They refer to it as the mark, or the mark of the beast (Satan).

Really? Because an implanted microchip wouldn't leave much of a mark. Maybe a little scar, but scars fade fairly quickly. I really don't see how you could possibly connect it to marks. Not to mention your imaginary Being of Ultimate Darkness. Although, really, Satan sounds like a fairly awesome guy. I mean, there's this God asshole running things and setting up humanity for a fall and cursing us to the nth generation and generally being a dictator, and there's Satan giving him the finger. Fairly brave, there. It gets better if you read Paradise Lost, of course.

That is 666

Or 616 in other translations. Although, I'm afraid, I really can't see either numbers being remotely relevant. Once again, you're cherry-picking and then building clouds of air on your speculation.

One more quick one is, where they prophezied all the harsh natural disasters. There are statistics that show that natural disasters have increased in last 100 years greatly.

Firstly, prophesy generally requires you to predict something that isn't obvious. I'm not a prophet if I predict that the sun will come up tomorrow. Predicting that there will be natural disasters is essentially a 'no duh' moment.

Secondly, there are no such statistics, because it's complete bunkum. We've gotten much better at detecting natural disasters and disseminating that information worldwide, but there are no more and no worse natural disasters nowadays. More hurricanes may be turning up, thanks to global warming, but that's about it.

Additionally, what could the KT extinction event and the P-Tr extinction event be but the epitome of natural disaster? Do they not count, or something?

Statistics also show that in about the last 100 years have increased in the amount of deaths from natural disasters.

Dare I point to the KT and P-Tr extinction events again? Or possibly point out the uselessness of comparing deaths in absolute terms over such timescales? Yeah.

In short, you fail at 'proving' the bible.

Like I said, proof is all around, if you both know where to look for it and are willing to look for it and learn about it.



because of fear which leads to anger which

leads to the Dark Side, of course.
This is why as a Christian, I turn the other cheek. I have gained so much more wisdom and so much more knowlege, both spiritually and academically that I know this is an arguement that does not need to be fought about. It went from a simple thing of a reminder to Christians to ranting/debate, etc. Well, I am done debating on this matter. It gets nowhere and I know as a much stronger person that I do not need to stoop down for what I have done. I know what is right and I believe. Simple as that. Continue argueing/debating, etc for your point because I know what I know, as does other Christians as well as others. Good luck Jp and God bless you.

NOTE: I had prayed for you just to let you know. Might not like it, but I felt it was the right thing to do. Might say it is a waste of time, but helping God and doing the right thing, both secular and religous reasons is worth my time upon this Earth.

Good luck Jp and God bless you.
This is why as a Christian, I turn the other cheek.

Because you're not very good at arguing?

I have gained so much more wisdom and so much more knowlege, both spiritually and academically that I know this is an arguement that does not need to be fought about.

Riiiiiiight. So much more academic knowledge, it has displaced your ability to spell. (It's 'argument', for starters)

It gets nowhere and I know as a much stronger person that I do not need to stoop down for what I have done.

Actually, you do. Because what you did was stupid.

I know what is right and I believe.

Mutually exclusive. Try again.

Oh, and whee, tingly Jesus magic. I can feel it already.