The US government kicks ass at spreading propaganda! It's really pretty awesome how they turned the entire country into "commie"-haters when the truth is, communism is a freaking form of government. Although it's pretty hilarious to see misinformed teenagers flaunting their hatred of communists, I feel I must clarify something. You're all idiots. The reason people think they hate Communism is because the government wants them to. Take a look at what Russia was before Communism took over. It was nothing, but Communism brought it to power faster than anybody could have thought possible. The US considers Communism a threat. It's pathetic how much influence the government has over you mindless fools. I have heard, "lol i hate commies" so much, I'm ashamed of being a member of the human race.
lol dictatorships r ghey.
![]() Dec 28 2006, 4:04 pm
![]() Dec 28 2006, 4:06 pm
Its really quite simple, all you got to do is ask them what they think a communist is, and that usually stumps at least half of them.
I think Communism would be the best for of government if humans weren't such untrustworthy bastards. If that were the case, though, Anarchy would be better.
All forms of communism so far put into place have turned into dictatorships, which is what the US stands against. That is why the government is generally against it. I have nothing against the idea, but people are too stupid to set it up right and instead let some guy take complete control over their lives. Communism just isn't possible at this point with our species, I believe.
communism is a freaking form of government. Hey man, so is facist nazism. It was nothing, but Communism brought it to power faster than anybody could have thought possible. And then it collapsed, yay food shortages and and abject poverty. Besides the fact that Russian Stalinist communism was one of the most horrible disgusting governments ever. Mass ethnic cleansing for example. Most of the communist governments that have been created have done terrible things. Russia, China ect. Earthly communism requires suppression of human rights and free speech. Suppresses creativity and creates lots of nasty violence. I'm sure Karl Marx had something better in mind when he wrote it, but hell I could write a book about overthrowing the world governments and every person on earth living in a mansion with purple flying hippos. Doesn't mean it's going to happen. Oh and BY THE FREAKING WAY, have you fucking seen the propaganda in communist countries? Stop bitching, it's like x1000 there. |
Had to add - Everyone knows that hating communists is out, right now it is all about hating Islam - err err I mean Islamic Jihadists.
We are not at war with Islam. We are not at war with Islam. We are not at war with Islam. We are not at war with Islam. We are not at war with Islam. We are not at war with Islam. We are not at war with Islam. |
Humans are inherently both lazy and greedy... In order to fit us into a communist economy, and not have the entire thing grind to a screeching halt due to everyone becoming a freeloader, you need to have an extremely tight grip on the people... You have to force them to play along with your little experiment...
This is why communism and dictatorships go hand in hand... That's the only way to get a regime that is oppressive enough to squeeze people into communism... |
Lol world. A lot of what you say is true, but Stalinism is a very authoritarian Communism, you can get much more liberal cases, although none have yet to pop up. An authoritarian conservative is a fascist, a liberal conservative is a libertarian, you can be something yet still have two sides to it.
And then it collapsed, yay food shortages and and abject poverty. Because as usual, the US was competing for power with a foreign nation (cold war), and as usual, the USA won, and that's when Russia's economy collapsed. (Because of the US) Besides the fact that Russian Stalinist communism was one of the most horrible disgusting governments ever. Mass ethnic cleansing for example. I've never actually heard anybody bitching about facism or monarchy or even dictatorships. Most of the communist governments that have been created have done terrible things. Russia, China ect. Most government ever created have done terrible things. Including the USA just so you know. Earthly communism requires suppression of human rights and free speech. Suppresses creativity and creates lots of nasty violence. Not really. Don't know where you got that from. |
Communism is one of those things that looks good on paper, but when you actually put it into play, it doesnt turn out to well.
Communism has never been applied.
And a similar statement can be made about democracy, Knifo. It's rule by appealing to the credulous, uneducated masses - look at how George Bush is still in power! |
In your post, you seem to be insulting someone, yet you never say who it is. Just who are you talking to?
*ripples in glass of water* Actually there's an interesting story about that. The director (Spielberg, IIRC) visualized the ripple effect he wanted, but when his crew tried to duplicate it, they couldn't find any conditions that would produce it! Finally, though, one of them stumbled on it by accident, when a glass of water (or coffee, or whatever) was sitting on a guitar, and strumming happened to produce the very effect they'd been looking for. That said... RARRR! COMMIES!!! Wildrogue, I'll mention a couple quick "fun facts" about communism and you can take 'em or leave 'em. First, Marxist communism (I mention Marx because before he came on the scene, there were all kinds of schemes involving communes and communal societies -- some very religious -- that styled themselves "communists") is based on a few essential ideas. Most people know about Marx's hopes for the elimination of private property; a lot of people know about his hopes for the abolition of religion ("the opiate of the masses," as Marx called it); but fewer people know about his hopes for the abolition of marriage and the family (the kind of family in which parents raise children, instead of the State raising them according to its own desires); and rarest of all are those who understand that the communist program explicitly endorsed the idea that the goal of communism justified any means of accomplishing it, no matter how deceitful, dishonorable, sadistic, or murderous. You will often hear people say things like "communism would be an ideal form of government, if only people were nicer." But they're wrong. Niceness has nothing to do with it; the only way communism could be anything better than a hell on earth -- as it proved to be, again and again, in the twentieth century -- would be if people literally abandoned every hope of ambition or inspiration. As long as one person is capable of producing more than another (whether the "production" is tractor parts or ideas), communism will dictate that the rewards of his "surplus" productivity must be reallocated to those who produce less. But when you demand effort and fail to reward it, there is no incentive for your subject to make a special effort -- hence, in the long run, every laborer will learn to do the bare minimum he can get away with; and moreover, any desire he might have had to help his less fortunate brethren will be utterly squelched by the knowledge that under the communist system, the less fortunate are not merely asking for help, but are using the communist government as a gun pointed at his head (metaphorically speaking). If you are really interested in the subject, I recommend Whittaker Chambers' "Witness." It's a large book but well worth reading. |
Because as usual, the US was competing for power with a foreign nation (cold war), and as usual, the USA won, and that's when Russia's economy collapsed. (Because of the US) No it collapsed because the Soviets put all their money into weapons and space thus the economy was in decline. The general populace got smarter and wanted a culture that was more similar to the west's(less constricted, more freedom of thought) and Gorbachev instituted Glasnot which tore the power away from the central government. Not really. Don't know where you got that from. All forms of communism ever brought unto this earth. Most government ever created have done terrible things. Including the USA just so you know. That's true,but the communists sort of had a disproportionate number created in their time(less than 100 years). |
Oh, poor Gug. Just another misinformed teenager brainwashed by the eeeeevil U.S. government, which is solely responsible for creating anti-Communist sentiment. It is well-known historical fact among those who aren't brainless sheep that prior to the advent of the eeeeevil U.S. government, communist philosophy was well-respected and loved by everyone everywhere, especially in Europe, where Communism was invented. It was only when the eeeeevil U.S. government stepped in with its sinister propaganda machine and said "Boo Communism!" that everyone spontaneously was fooled into thinking that Communism was a bad thing.
Leftley wrote:
Oh, poor Gug. Just another misinformed teenager brainwashed by the eeeeevil U.S. government, which is solely responsible for creating anti-Communist sentiment. It is well-known historical fact among those who aren't brainless sheep that prior to the advent of the eeeeevil U.S. government, communist philosophy was well-respected and loved by everyone everywhere, especially in Europe, where Communism was invented. It was only when the eeeeevil U.S. government stepped in with its sinister propaganda machine and said "Boo Communism!" that everyone spontaneously was fooled into thinking that Communism was a bad thing. I'm a convert. |
All governments spread propaganda. It is the best way to ensure power. While I disagree with it, I also realise it is necessary. If governments were to truly grant people their rights, they would lose power. The more free your people truly are, the less power you can command over them. The US tends to use propaganda to keep their people inline while giving the illusion of freedom.
Now, people are going to call me a "pinko" or a "traitor", saying I hate the US. But I don't, I hate facist governments that force a set of ideals down someones throat. Marxism is a utopian concept that will never work because people are too stupid. Whenever a country converts to a marxist form of government, it usually descends into chaos, this results in the formation of a government. However, the government is usually started by someone who just wishes for power. Now, the only perfect form of government would be if everyone decided to follow me. |
Finally, though, one of them stumbled on it by accident, when a glass of water (or coffee, or whatever) was sitting on a guitar I'm no expert, never having owned a guitar, but how does one "accidentally" sit a glass of water on their guitar (and leave it long enough to "accidentally" discover that strumming produces a ripple)? I mean, shouldn't guitar owners be a little more careful with their equipment? Aren't they worried about rings? Or were they using a coaster? |