Apr 30 2014, 3:44 pm
+ from me i guess.. (i can see it's use)
++ again...
If you don't wanna do it for the main forums could you make it for HUB forums only then? ... a response would be nice from an administrator |
In response to Ganite
Ganite wrote:
If you don't wanna do it for the main forums could you make it for HUB forums only then? ++ , Please? C: |
In response to Ganite
Ganite wrote:
Lol I requested this 2 years ago I'd give it a few more before it gets a response cx |
++.. I don't see why not. Definitely not hard to implement and wouldn't hurt anything either.
In response to King_ed
King_ed wrote:
Come on Tom, give the people what they want! +1 Eh, while not much problem, your post feels like you're forcing something upon Tom.. Juust saying. |
Can't tell you how much I would love this, being able to see an approximate number of unique views on forum topics would be amazing, especially for the classified ads. +1
I have to be honest here: I don't see this feature as likely to be implemented.
Website features have by and large mostly been a time suck. While a lot of good has come out of the site work--mostly in terms of fixing a number of scalability issues--anything that's nontrivial has an uphill battle. And implementing unique views is what I'd call nontrivial. Should guests count? Then we'd want to go by IP address. Should it be by account only? Then we'd want to record the account. The data would need to be stored, one record for each unique view, which creates a massive database table. Should that data hang around forever, or would we reach a point where we'd start purging but just hang onto the old count so it can be incremented? I do appreciate that it can be useful to know how many people have seen your post, but it's not simple to track unique views. That said, I don't think most forums that list a number of views count unique views, just views of any kind--which we could improve on by requiring a login at least, so crawlers didn't inflate it. Still, all of the old posts would appear to have zero views at first, which would be incredibly weird, unless they got seeded by the number of replies. Anyway, I'm not shutting the door on this entirely, but I'm saying there are different ways to implement it, some make more sense than others, all will involve trade-offs, and any will be a bit of a pain in the butt. |
Or just make it who ever viewed the thread counts as a view? You guys think about it to hard. Does'nt matter if they have a key or this or that or they already viewed it. Doesnt make since... If a regular forum site can do it so can BYOND..
I've actually watched this pretty close on some forums. Usually, it seems to be that every single view counts. Even ones from the author repeatedly refreshing.
So, I think all that would be required to do this even better than the average forums would simply be to make it so the authors views don't count toward the threads views more than at most once. As for past threads, I'd just go with the add views based off reply count, or leave it at 0 and apply some kind of message indicating the thread was created before the system was put in place. These are the best ways I see to do it without a lot of unnecessary work. If it's still more than a trivial amount of work, I can completely understand not doing the feature, but if doing it that way makes it trivial then I'd still be happy to see the feature added. |
In response to Toddab503
Which I later explained just make it count for the game HUBs and make it an option to turn on and off like you can do the forum section of HUBs.
If I do the dirty work and store it inside my databases and you just need to use a link, persay
It will show you an image of the view count and it'll all be done on my end. So you will just do something like this:
<img src="http://www.example.com/views.php?post=180952">
In response to Toddab503
Yes, I think if this got implemented at all it'd be as a simplistic count rather than a unique count. Not that I'd be happy altering the table responsible for posts, though.
Probably if we wanted this it would've made sense to work it into the massive forum update we did a while back. But we didn't, and at this point I think it's more trouble than it's worth to add. |
In response to Lummox JR
Hm, that does make sense. It's not an easy feature to implement properly into a populated live forum now that I think about it. It would suck if adding this caused bugs elsewhere, and that could probably happen. I think everyone here expected it to be easier than it actually is, or at least I did for sure.
Appreciate the response though! Always good to know for sure about the status of a feature. |
Oh, I understand now completely. It sucks actually but oh well we've gone this long without it anyways.
Basically it will cause bugs for views on topics that already exist? |
In response to Ganite
Why not just "not" include a view count, or even a area to display views, for threads that are made before this update. No need for any note or w/e. People will eventually find out by themselves.
Would it be hard to add a new column in that differentiates as to whether or not the post was made before the update and if it was made after the update? Where by default the new column would be 0 or null or whatever. And if that holds true, don't display any views for it. If it's 1 or anything else, start counting views. Then another column to manage the view count. I'm only speaking from what little I know from databases. Since you said table @Lummox. Don't mind me. |