Not Feasible
Applies to:DM Language
Status: Not Feasible

Implementing this feature is not possible now or in the foreseeable future
So we have the see_invisible var wich works as the maximum level of invisibility the mob can see.

It has some problems because you can't differentiate the level of invisibility of 2 objs of the same type for instance. If one obj is invisible to you, all other objs of the same type are also invisible. That sucks for hiding trees etc.

What I'm requesting is a new var, set_invisible_list, (or any other handle), wich would be an list where the atom that you wanted to turn invisible for the mob would be added to.

This would allow for things like very easy to use roof hiding/hiding trees that you get behind, etc, usign crossed/uncrossed.

It would also be pretty cool if it was an associative list, carrying the alpha value (0 by default) that you wanted to set the obj to, instead of outright turning it invisible.

Thanks :) Hope you consider it.
You can change invisibility on a single instance of an object just like any other var, though you still can't use that to adjust visibility for different players individually.
If you only care about hiding things visually, you can attach a blank image to the object with override set to true and only send it to the players you want the thing to be invisible for.
In response to Exxion
Yeah I want to adjust visibility individually and also want to use it together with crossed so none of those suggestions would work out.
You can do that with the second one just fine, though
In response to Exxion
A lot more trouble than what the feature request would allow to do.
invisibility needs tuned-up.
Oh definitely, but unless you also want the thing hidden from view(), it is possible. If you do want it hidden from view(), though, it's not possible at all as far as I know.
client.invisible = list(
obj1, obj2, obj3

In response to Kozuma3
That was what I was suggesting xP. But with runtime atoms not type paths, and being an associative list with the alpha as the value.
In response to NSBR
Example as it would be objects at runtime within the list, but I don't think it makes sense to handle alpha when invisibility is either visible or not.

In response to Kozuma3
It'd be good cause it's an option... default being 0.
This would be a performance killer. There are workarounds you can use that would be a better fit for your needs.
Lummox JR resolved issue (Not Feasible)
In response to NSBR
Since you don't seem to be convinced that the image.override method works:
In response to Kaiochao
I love ya. I believed you, just thought that the request would be a better way to do it.
In response to NSBR
NSBR wrote:
I love ya. I believed you, just thought that the request would be a better way to do it.

The problem is that it would absolutely murder performance. Every time the client renders, it would have to check if every atom it was trying to render was among the list of objects that are marked as invisible.

On top of that, the client doesn't receive object instances in the same way you are used to working with them on the server. It receives a series of appearance-related data, so it'd take more grunt work than just sending atoms to the client to ignore.

Image overrides are how we do this sort of thing in the parlance of DM.