Applies to:Dream Maker
Status: Open

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I've found myself missing legitimate warnings from the compiler because I have to abuse #warn to handle my TODO list (since searching over a large code base for comments gets clunky after a few passes, and I need other developers to see the warnings), so I'd like to request the IDE handle "todo comments" like most other major IDEs do.

It would be an optional preference (since it does slow down compilation by requiring comments to be parsed), like it is elsewhere.

But essentially anytime the compiler hits something like

// TODO: I need to eat more fiber

It'll add "I need to eat more fiber" to the todo/task list, which can be easily seen from either a tab on the compiler output, or a popup accessed with a shortcut/menu item.

For more information on how VS does it see using-the-task-list?view=vs-2019
why not just use VS code and ask for it to be added to the vscode language server plugin :grin: