I was speaking with a few people on the discord and we had a small discussion about how space functions. From experience, I can tell space travelling is relevantly “boring”. As a player, you go either to Your POP (Player owned planet) or to 1 of the 4 main planets (Earth, Vegeta, Namek and Icer). Everything in-between, so the other POP which you did not own and what not were just useless in terms of RP or even visiting.
What I propose, is that Space to be broken up into 4 different sections. Each of the 4 main planets have their own “space” map. The 4 main planets should be in the middle of the maps. An example would be, Space 1 has Earth in the middle and around it, you have all the little POP’s and what not.
You might be thinking to why I propose such an idea it is simply for RP. I have been on byond for a very long time, not so much in the recent years, but I have somewhat played a lot of byond games in the past and know how most RP works. You go from Point A to Point B and ignore everything in-between as if it does not exist.
What sort of RP can be created?
For starters, the kais can look after their section. We have 4 cardinal kais, (North, Earth, South and West), they can look after their own part of the galaxy and do not need to interfere too much with the rest. With 4 different maps, you can utilize everything inside of it without other people “meddling” too much with it. Therefore, it helps distinguish a line between the other places. Maybe it can be a race to see which galaxy has a more advanced civilization, or the most economically built one. Alternatively, the strongest defence strategy/system. Therefore, the kais can have a somewhat long-term rp, which they can RP.
Next potential RP could be POPs. Yes, you heard me we can see a lot more RP between POPs. If you live on Vegeta for example, you can capture the POP around Vegeta since it is much closer, and if possible, you can link this to Vegeta itself. As a result, 2% of your POP income automatically goes to Vegeta that is if you decided to link it. Thus, the leaders I.e. the King/Queen keep the small % of the income from all the different POP’s captured and are linked. (This is a new/different feature, but If it was added in you could work nicely)
Furthermore, war RP would be more interesting. When conquering a Planet or people, you do not just go from Vegeta to Earth, but instead you go from Vegeta, conquer the entire POP’s on both maps, rply gain power, and capture those planets for Vegeta before slowly working your way inside. If successful, you can capture Earth, resulting in its income going Vegeta. You will see a struggle for power, so maybe the leaders might pawn their weaker planet and station their strong warriors to the economically stronger POP’s. On the other hand, maybe, the outer POP’s will not have as much defence compare to the ones, which are closer to the main planet. RP would transition more from “Hero Vs Villain” to “Race vs Race” or “Planet vs Planet”, or even “Space Factions vs Rest of the Universe”. We could possibly even see a single person attempt to take everything, which will subsequently get EVERYONE involved. At least this way we will not see Changelings come to Earth week 2 of the wipe and kill everyone. It will be more like “Who’s taking our planet? Where are they now? Are they here to hurt us? How do they look like? Can we fight them off if we station our people on a specific POP? How many years before they make their way to the middle? Are they even interested in taking over the POP? And so on.
As for universal threat, you will not see someone like “Scream Deathrose” appear out of the blue and claim all 4 planets in 2 hours. It will take days, if not weeks which only builds and intensifies RP by 10 folds. He will have to spread his might, power, and ruthlessness to all 4 different parts of space. If he is not much of a big threat, maybe 2 different galaxies can team up to defeat him, so the people who reside in them and even the kais? If they manage to get all 4 galaxies involved, maybe that’s when all the kais come together, supreme kai as well and that’s when some serious and interesting rp can take place. It will help us distinguish wannabe villains with actual threats.
How to add in the new Space/Galaxy ?
So each Space will be 300x300, in the middle of course will be the main planet. Around it, you will have stuff like POP’s, the different Moons, Meteors flying etc. We will start with Earth, which the North Kai looks after. If you fly towards the East of Earth, you will find the “East Portal” that will take you to the East section of the galaxy (So Namek), South of Earth; you will find South Portal (Icer) and so on.
If you start off with Vegeta , you’ll find nothing to the west of course. However, the North portal will lead to Earth, East namek and South Icer. This should make things clear a little. Again, this is just an idea I propose, maybe you can find a better idea.
My fellow players, this is just a suggestions, I believe it is a great idea, but requires a bit of work to implement but it could help the RP a lot as well as game play. Some might not like this idea, and if not then we can always scrap it. However, this is just my own personal idea which some people somewhat support it. If most of you like this idea, then maybe when we get a next big update, so a year or 6 months from now we could think about adding such idea.
![]() Jul 6 2019, 7:33 am
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You could still hop between planets that’s no problem . If this idea is implemented it will mean you will have to travel a little longer till you reach your destination . To make things clear, the POP system is an option you do not need to take over POPs or conquer them . It is all an incentive , to help with your RP development. Like you could take them over and stop a planets supplies . So yes , you could hop , and no you do not need to capture all the POPs it’s all an option .
-1 from me. I don't really see what RP is created by this. I only see 2 things that this sort of thing implements, and neither of them are what this game needs: 1. More AI Observable area in the form of PoPs that will inevitably lead to more metagaming, and 2. A baked in tax system.
I like the idea of space being bigger. It gives a reasoning for a massive family to set up bases on all 4 planets, because the time to take to get to each planet would be radically increased (Without needing to artifically inflate/decrees the speed of pods) Plus it allows for more PoPs in a given area.
The reason why I dislike the idea, is that it's a bigger expansion, that isn't really going to get used in a practical sense. People love their planet hopping and love going from planet to planet/staying on main "hub planet" cause that's where people go, and I feel that limiting that a bit, might cause people to yanno, give up or leave the game cause they can't be with everybody else, So I'm split between agreeing and not agreeing, or a non vote.