(See the best response by Multiverse7.)
var/skin_input = list(
"html" = {"
html, body, img { margin:0px; padding:0px; overflow:hidden; }
<script type="text/javascript">
function replace(v) {
document.body.innerHTML = v; }

"buttoncommand" = {"
<img style='cursor:pointer; position:absolute; left:0px; top:0px;' src= onmouseover=this.src='' onmouseout=this.src='' onclick=window.location='byond://?value=buttonsay'>

"buttonsay" = {"
<img style='cursor:pointer; position:absolute; left:0px; top:0px;' src= onmouseover=this.src='' onmouseout=this.src='' onclick=window.location='byond://?value=buttonroleplay'>

"buttonroleplay" = {"
<img style='cursor:pointer; position:absolute; left:0px; top:0px;' src= onmouseover=this.src='' onmouseout=this.src='' onclick=window.location='byond://?value=buttonwhisper'>

"buttonwhisper" = {"
<img style='cursor:pointer; position:absolute; left:0px; top:0px;' src= onmouseover=this.src='' onmouseout=this.src='' onclick=window.location='byond://?value=buttoncommand'>

"current" = "buttoncommand")

Problem description: When the game loads the IC,ALL,OOC toggle buttons are missing. A white box and "x" is all that show without the png


u can do more actions with ;
Best response
Klogaum, the OP is working with a browser-based interface, not a Dream Seeker interface. It's probably the built-in browser control, or it might even be the Webclient. Also, what is that ++ in front of winset()? You can't really increment it.

Alex, those links are actually dead. At some point, changed their domain to .cc. Replace all instances of .org with .cc and you might find that it still works. I have never heard of that host though. You might not want to rely on an image host that suddenly switches domains like that.