I'm riding home from school on the Q67, and all of a sudden, these two girls start beating the crap out of these other two girls, and it went into a 2:2 bitch fight, complete with hair pulling, hitting each other into poles, and even falling onto an old lady, injuring her leg. The bus stopped, then was out of service until the old lady got off the bus. (She had to wait for an ambulance, and it was taking a while, so I just called my mom and she picked me up.) When the bus stopped, There was a huge clump of hair on the floor from when this girl had her hair pulled, and thrown out of the back door on the bus.
T'was awesome.

Thats the second fight THIS WEEK. I love the Q67.
So do I.
sweetness :D
Spade Spade Spade... you're the only person who keeps BYOND alive with laughs.