var/list/font_resources = list('OpenSans.tff')

Problem description:

I get the following error: Coding\ 'OpenSans.tff': cannot find file

The font file is in the source, no clue why it can't find this file.

If I put it in double quotes, it finds it fine, like this:

var/list/font_resources = list("OpenSans.tff")

But, if I'm understanding correctly, if I use double quotes, it won't be loaded in the .rsc.

Anyone know what's going on?

It's .ttf, not .tff.
Ah, well, I feel slightly stupid.


var/uifont = list('OpenSans.ttf')
maptext = {"<span style='font-size:10pt;font-family:OpenSans'><b> Test Font"}

would this be the correct way to use the custom font through maptext?