Galaxy Warriors

by Chickenlegs
A MORPG where your character wields devastating powers to explore a galaxy of epic adventure.
In this combat tasting you will be able to test the basic skills learned by all characters, as well as the base skills available to the melee mastery.

There are plenty of Warrior NPCs available to you throughout the test map of Rocket City. All of which have their own set of skills so you can have fun in the process!


- Civilian
- Bully
- Trainee
- Low Class
- Mid Level
- Elite
- Legendary

Base Skills

- Hard Strike
- Energy Shot
- Dash
- Bandage Heal
- Instant Return

Melee Base Skills

- Boost Power
- Power Strike
- Robust Strike
- Boost Health
- Weakening Blow
- Combat Fury
- Full Counter
- Boost Parry

Please report any bugs found throughout this process!!! If any bugs are found, once they are fixed I will host another test session letting you all try the energy styled combat.
Thank you to all who came to test!