Hello, I need some help here...

Dar_Vip(mob/M in world)
spawn SalvarVips()

BUT, I want to put the DAY and the MOUNTH that I gived the VIP too, so if the people recreate the char in the same KEY, he got VIP again, with the same DAY and MOUNTH to I have the control.

That'll give you a text version of the time. You can look up "time2text()" proc in the reference to change the way it displays the day/time.
ok, but to put the date in the list, and then when create the char, add the date to new char of key... example
dayvip = 0
mounthday = 0

Dar_Vip(mob/M in world)
spawn SalvarVips()
dayvip = thevardayworld
mounthday = thevardayworld

Now can I put this in the list, to when he creates the new character, put the same values to dayvip and mounthday listed above.
mob/verb/AddVip(mob/M in world)
Vips+="[M.key]" //Add it the list
Vips["M.key"]="[Day]/[Month]" //Give the new item a value

for(var/mob/M in world)
src<<"[M] Joined [Vips["M.key"]]"

Maybe something like this is what your looking for. I don't really understand what your saying, but when adding stuff to a list you can always give them a value.
I want put in the list the Key, the day and the mounth in the list, and then when he recreate the char, I use if(src.key in Vips) give the vip back, and put the same day and mounth, to when the same day of the next mounth comes, the vip ends...
I just got put the key in the list, and them when the day of the next mounth comes, the vip ends... But when he recreates the char, the vip desapears, and I need to put manually