I never knew how addicting limes could be...

Anyways... So I left my computer on a few days ago, then my stupid system clutter deleter thing decides to run finally. Soon after, I decided to work on the map on Pokemon Tyzua, then I find that the map file got deleted. So I looked on my system clutter thingy's file list thing, and to my surprise... .dmp (MEMORY DUMP FILES) was on the list. So, it mistook my map files as memory dump files. :(

I have to map everything over again.
That sucks.

I love the CSS.
I've had that trouble in the past. Moral of the story? Backups are your friends.

Actually, this is a particularly rude thing because unless you keep a archived backup or it on a removed removable drive, there is a good chance that it got deleted too. It is doubly a bad idea for programs like that to delete .dmps because they are also database files for a certain system(Not sure which one), meaning you could kill someones database... ouch.
Hmm, I love limes too....with tequila. Tequila is like the crackerjack of hard liquor, you get totally wasted, ad get prize in the bottom of the bottle(loves his Mexican vodka)
any one csn mapp mass