
by UnknownHobbit
This is a roleplaying game inspired by Generations.
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Status: Resolved

This issue has been resolved.
So, the suggestion here is, you know those really important RPs or events that broadcasts an announcement for everyone to see?

Well, this is a function for admins, where they could announce such an RP or event LOCALLY, on a Z-plane. So if someone for example requested an admin broadcasted a message for all of Planet Earth to hear, people on Earth and ONLY people on Earth could hear the message.

The only reason I'd suggest it is to prevent metagame from other planets. Last thing we'd need is someone doing some global broadcast RP and have people from the other planets showing up to ruin it or stick their nose into an RP they weren't and shouldn't be involved in.

Quick edit before I forget: Other notable examples of this would be; Planetary destruction, messages transmitted across a planet, like Babadi, or televised ones, like Cell. Dimension tearing for broadcasting messages. Mass telepathies, like King Kai to Earth. Things like this.
So basically narration, that can be planet targetted?

I think that'd be pretty cool, Sort of open up new RP events (player created) that could happen. Just don't know exactly how hard that'd be to implement, but +1 for me.
UnknownHobbit resolved issue