Feb 20 2019, 5:33 pm (Edited on Feb 25 2019, 2:24 am)
Not a bug
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Delete this.
Absolute nobody in this bug and the associated help forum thread (ID:2428605) has affirmatively stated an animate()tion was on screen.
Moving uses an entirely different render pipeline and is not always bound by client.fps. Either present a test project, as a .zip, that shows the issue, and uses animate(), the only thing that actually uses all of client.fps, or stop fucking posting your useless fucking spam about this "bug". |
Dreamseeker does not process things it doesn't need to, because it doesn't have to. If there's nothing visually changing on your screen, there's no reason for it be drawing anything. Frames are just pictures after all. If nothing has changed, then it should be fine to keep it the same. This is why you're seeing very low to nill frames per second.
I suspect what's happening when your frame rate jumps is your recording software uses your CPU as a measuring stick - so to speak. So when you are really crunching some data, it skews the results that you're seeing in a way that aligns with 'high performance.'
The idea that Dreamseeker needs to constantly be drawing and redrawing everything on screen all the time is not the solution and quite frankly would be a very poor design choice. That would just mean needless overhead for the client for no noticeable gain.