^ This is a mental disease, OCD.
Manly Stop talking to me, you conversate at the level of a 12 year old. And not only that, a dense 12 year old at that, It takes you a mountain of text to say absolutely nothing.
Not one single fucking thing you just said above this post is accurate, not a single fucking thing.
I'm dead serious, not a single fucking thing you said is accurate.
Save for 'Hobbit is taking advice from the community.' No dude, just copy Generations. Generation's community is full of the dumbest fucking retards on the entire fucking planet. DO not listen to them. Simply copy Generations, hobbit.
And as far as 'my community input' 'cycling' was a community suggestion, not Liens' idea, remove it please.
And again, Manly, mr. prepubescent (at least mentally.) I've told you several times now, bugger off. But you're so mature you're incapable of that.
I absolutely do not care what your opinion is, Manly, because you're A. Wrong. and B. present your thoughts like you're mentally retarded.
That's not an insult, It's my honest opinion. So get butthurt, I don't care.
There, by the way, was never an issue with regen and recovery. Liens just didn't play his own fucking game, so he didn't know what balancing was like, he listened to RETARDS like Ichiban and Rokal.
So you resort to personal attacks lol. Keep posting in this forum by yourself my dude. You seen to be pretty good at that like from DBG :Feelsokayman:
No, you're full of shit. I don't care. And shut the fuck up already.
The shit you said is totally bogus, you're so full of shit you're crying diarrhea. (You're practically the only one who wants it taken out.) I'm Practically the only person left who played Generations to roleplay who even cares to fucking play Generations anymore. Manly-pinkasshole. Just because 90 of you are on generations to PVP, doesn't make it right. Also doesn't mean, just because 90 of you show up to PVP that Hobbits going to let you. Hobbit seems like he's running the game as Generations had been intended, for roleplaying. Not for your stupid fucking 'rpvp' or pvp or whatever the fuck you want to do with generations. Which by the way sounds really fucking stupid. Playing a sandbox RP like generations only to PVP and avoiding pvp like it's the plague, what a stupid fucking notion. As if it's not already a big enough waste of time to play Generations- And now you don't even want to rp while you play? Fuck off Manly. Don't talk to me at all anymore. At all man, think you can do that? |
https://imgur.com/45MTsTr https://imgur.com/Wd9zCd8 https://imgur.com/4WV877H https://imgur.com/80MbJGU Don't delete your posts. I keep eyes on this forums. |
You know how unpopular "remove cycling" is right? You're practically the only one that wants it taken out, and for what reason, you say it makes the game "more PVP" Generation's combat was RPVP (since nobody did RP fights, cause they were pure cancer) Obviously a few people did RP fights for the "epicness" But a VAST, Vast majority of fights were Verb fights. Probably about 60% of all fights were verb.
You keep saying though, how that makes the game more "PVP" Why is that PvP? Two people who know their characters are on the line, want to have a verb fight instead of a RP one, what's wrong with that?
I mean, you keep saying that Genesis is so butchered because "IT'S SO DIFFERENT FROM GENS REEEEE" You wanna know why it's different? It's cause Hobbit is taking the advice from the community. Obviously there are people who've played Gens for YEARS there. There was a huge long list of "Finalized suggestions" that was going to be in the game. (Obviously not all at once) But they were changes the community wanted to change, yanno either it was a flaw in DBG that's getting fixed, or it's something different. I don't entirely get the issue of "The game isn't exactly like Gens, I won't play it"
Generations, as much as I hate to say it, DID have flaws, that needed to be fixed. Regen and recovery passives for one. It was Unfun to have somebody have majin style regeneration, when they didn't spend their starting points to do it. You could legit go negative on regen right? And then slam PPs into regeneration and end up getting more regen than the guy who's built around it. That's dumb, And that's an issue that's been solved, thanks to those two passives getting removed. Now you actually have to build them instead of just relying on passive points to coast your way there.
What about cycling isn't fun to you morbid? I mean, It's different than all of those Finale based games like RPT. Do you want to just, do one training method for a night, get out of your nubhut and be the "stronkest" because you "Pbagged" more than the other people on the server? Is that why you hate cycling? or is it because you don't want a training system that encourages you be active instead of inactive?
I mean my dude, Your system wouldn't even work in a game like genesis anyway. AFK flag is dumb because that punishes people who are training. "Oh yeah I've been training for five minutes, Oh no I have to change to another training type" OH WAIT THAT'S CYCLING BUT WITH AN AFK FLAG. Do you see the issue? You're not replacing cycling, you're just getting rid of one method of cycling for another.
Like I said before, if you decide to not play, Cool, Take your ideas, go play one of the many other DBG remakes, or go play one of the finale based games, There's already a community around Gens, and if you don't want to accept people moving away from your idea, that's cool. No hair off my back.