world << "Hello, world!"
Wait what...nevermind that!
Welcome to first post related to KoS! Yes that is right, a new medieval-roleplaying game in progress. Well would lie if i said its new as in brand new, more like. Production in secret.
I know, i know. You never know what those sneaky byond members do behind your back!
Before you ask, yes. Kingdoms of Seven now does that not sound somewhat familiar? Of course it does! No need to be a die hard fan of TV shows to know of Game of Thrones.
And that is what i bring, a game of thrones game to byond. Or..sort of? We are all aware of how copyright(I can feel eyes of moderators of byond on my skin, but fear not. Adaptions and renames do wonder for avoiding of it!) can be of issue around here. So do be aware that game lore and names are adapted/changed. But do not fear too much. As you will expirience full fun of game of thrones just as it is. Just without annoyance from copyright of course.
Are you looking for dragons? Weird undead creatures to swing your sword at? Or pehraps.. Are you looking to be greedy ruler of one of the kingdoms, or perhaps backstabbing voice behind one of the players wearing that fancy crown, you came to the right place then! Yes we have that..and more!
Do stay tuned for more news, and oh of course..fear not. I did not forget about sneak peaks for all you curious folks out there. !